Ultimate Passage: New Beginnings: Box Set ( Books 1-4)
at her appearance took a back seat to her anger at his amusement. Did he think the way she looked was funny? Marissa took a deep breath. No, she wasn’t going to react. She was going to keep it together. No more Bitch Marissa from the other day. Nice Marissa was here. Sort of. She hoped. Prayed, even.
    She cleared her throat, hoping the pause would give her a chance to compose. Or recompose. Or stay composed. Or something. Anything. “Yes?” And still, she squawked the word out. What was it about this man? Every time she talked to him, at least when she said yes, it came out in a croak.

Chapter 14
    H e breathed her in . Though she had clearly worked hard, and sweated, she had a muskiness, a—he inhaled again—scent to her that reached deep down into his gut, maybe even lower. Her eyes flashed their angry green fire, and her jaw jutted out.
    He fought to keep from kissing her, wondering what it would be like. Wondering what it would taste like. He was no stranger to some of the human actions, like intimacy. He’d studied the lessons the Asazi were taught about humans in preparation for a journey to Earth. But he’d always fought the impulse and fought the human emotions that drove it. Was this a mistake? Was sending him here to do this a very bad idea? He had graduated at the top of his class at the Elite Measures Academy.
    Why was this happening to him? He was a soldier. He had no weaknesses. He gritted his teeth to keep his anger from raising his pulse. His shoulder blades ached where his wings demanded to be released. He feared his skin would glow in its natural state, and freak her out with its colors. Curse this mission. Would he have to leave the restaurant to keep from being discovered? Was he such a failure?
    He tore his gaze away from her lips, her face, held his breath and took a step back. “Ms. Sanchez.” He released the breath slowly, regulating his pulse, regaining control of his faculties and his senses, his body. Somewhat. Yes, somewhat in regards to the body. That was harder to control.
    Why didn’t he have these reactions to the very, very willing Belle? Why? Why only this female? Why not the guest clerk at the hotel?
    He wanted to call his cousin and ask him if this was normal. Then again, what if they yanked him from the mission? What if they removed him from the military? Or even worse, assigned him to a desk job? No, he would not allow that. Never.
    Would they make him be Bound to Alithera again? Could they? Under what threat?
    He put on what he’d practiced as his best smile. “I was hoping to have a visit with you, Ms. Sanchez. Do I need to set up an appointment for that?”
    An expression passed over her face. It was fleeting, but he would have sworn that it was vulnerability. What was that about?
    Her shoulders slumped, almost as if she was admitting defeat. Defeat for what? What was going on in that head of hers? Suddenly and without understanding why, Finn wanted to know everything about this woman. What made her happy, what made her sad, mad, why she seemed defeated, why she’d been angry earlier. What she’d been like as a little human girl. What she liked to do for fun. Humans did a lot of that—fun stuff. The Asazi were not a fun-based culture. Theirs was based on different values. Of course, it had had to be. They had been transplanted to a new world long ago. There had been no time for luxury. And now that they were in danger of a dwindling population—
    She was talking to him. What had she said? “I’m sorry. Could you repeat that?” He didn’t want to tell her why. Especially since it was because he’d been daydreaming while she was talking.
    “An appointment for what? Who are you? Who do you represent?” Her eyes narrowed, as though suspicion had overtaken her fatigue and defeat.
    “Represent? I’m a scout. Simply that.” This was all he could think to say. Pathetic. His plans for getting close to her vanished.
    He was worthless. A scout? He could imagine Kal’s

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