Read Online UGLY by Betty McBride - Free Book Online

Book: UGLY by Betty McBride Read Free Book Online
Authors: Betty McBride
the sincerity vibrating off him made her pause. Her stubborn stance made his lips twitch as he stepped closer. She started to back up but he grabbed her as he said, “I haven’t been able to get you out of my head.”
    Fighting the sensations that his closeness and male scent were causing, she breathed, “Quit reading my blog, then.”
    At her throaty tone, he pulled her to him and grinned, “I can’t. I even started eating chips for breakfast.”
    Her eyes widened, “What!?! You?”
    He nodded, “I drank coffee this morning.”
    She gasped, “What the hell’s wrong with you?”
    “I think I’m in love with you, Candice.”
    She burst out laughing and slapped his arm but sobered quickly when he stared at her. Frowning, she cursed and tried to pull away. She’d wondered the same of herself after she’d looked at his phone number in her contacts every ten minutes.
    Refusing to give in and call him, she’d fought tears every time she’d heard the juicer. When her uncle had caught her sniffing, she’d tried to convince him that kale, like onions, produced tears. He’d laughed himself into tears at that.
    Rich’s arms surrounded her, “I’m not joking. I know you hate me but will you give me a chance?”
    “I don’t hate you, Rich, but I don’t believe you’re in love with me, either. You just want me because you’re used to women falling all over you.”
    He leaned away with a frown, “I don’t like or fall for women that grovel over me.”
    “That’s just it. I won’t let you have me so you think you’re in love.”
    He stared at her as if she’d lost her mind, “What?”
    She pushed at him and barked, “You had me in the hot tub. That’s all you get.”
    “If I just wanted sex, I wouldn’t be here.”
    Her eyes narrowed, “Keep telling yourself that.”
    He tightened his grip and growled on the way to her lips, “Quit making excuses.”
    She almost slid down him when his mouth closed over hers. Unwilling to get hurt again, she leaned away but his fingers thrust into her hair as he deepened the kiss. Uncle Mike crept passed them, calling over his shoulder, “You guys need privacy so I’m going out for a bit.”
    When the door shut, she made a note to smack her uncle. Her thoughts crashed when Rich pulled her back to him, lifting her off the floor in a bear hug. Determined to break through her carefully constructed wall, he broke the kiss and nibbled her jaw line on the way to her ear, “I know our chemistry isn’t lost on you.”
    Panting now, she wriggled in his grasp but went limp when his teeth teased her earlobe. Her back twitched as her hands fisted in his shirt. Unable to stand it any longer, she moaned, “Oh, shit. Rich…please!”
    His mouth slammed onto hers as her fingers thrust into his hair. She slapped his shoulder with her other hand and pointed toward her bedroom. He didn’t hesitate, carrying her into it and kicking the door shut. Her previous resistance was forgotten under his teasing exploration.
    His teeth nipped her bottom lip, drawing a whimper as she panted against his cheek. Breaking the kiss, he gazed down at her, “Are you sure…?”
    Too wrecked to stop now, she wrapped her legs around his hips. Cupping his stubbled cheek, she bit his bottom lip before answering him with a kiss. After a brief and heated fight with clothing, his stubble grazed a nipple as he nuzzled his face in her cleavage. Twisting under him, her hips curled into his hand as she pulled at his hair when he dipped a finger inside her.
    “You can’t deny how wet you get for me, Candice.”
    Her ragged voice split the air, desperately screeching his name as her back arched. Flooded with more desire than she’d thought humanly possible, Candice dragged in a lungful of air. His teeth grazed her stomach as he pushed her legs apart. The mere thought of where he was headed combined with his slow rub of her slit sent her mind crashing.
    Tension gathered in her lower stomach, sending blissful

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