Two Week Turnaround

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Book: Two Week Turnaround by Geneva Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Geneva Lee
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orgasm filled her, pushing her to her own.
    Not anymore
, she thought as they collapsed onto the bed together.
    Isaac rolled to his side and tipped her chin up with his index finger until their mouths met. It wasn’t a hungry kiss. It was a satisfied one, the kind shared by lovers, not fuck buddies. It was warm and welcome. Urgent and unhurried. Despite the near total numbness eclipsing her body from two orgasms so close together, a thrill fluttered in her chest. She drew back, startled, but quickly covered her surprise.
    â€œYou’re going to be late, and we’re both going to stink of sex if we don’t get in the shower.”
    â€œI’ll never make call time if we get in the shower together.” He traced her jawline, his eyes smoldering with the promise of his words.
    Sofia searched for a response in the haze of postcoital ecstasy, confusion and feelings flooding through her. She knew Isaac wasn’t a normal guy. Put simply, he was just more. More man. More drama. More everything. And if she wasn’t careful she was going to get caught in his whirlwind. “Then I’ll finish reading these and see you on set later. Besides it will only give the hounds more ammo if we leave together.”
    It was a perfectly rational reason and she knew he couldn’t argue with it. But more than anything she needed to buy herself some time to get her head on straight since Isaac had obviously screwed it senseless.
    â€œLater then.” He dropped a kiss on the swell of her left breast and popped out of bed.
    Sofia couldn’t help but appreciate his firm ass as he strutted to the bathroom, stopping to wink at her from the doorway. She tossed the tabloids aside and buried her face in the pillow. Who was she kidding? Isaac was trouble, but trouble of the best possible variety.

Chapter Seven
    Isaac dodged flying debris. It was only foam, but in the finished scene it would look as if he’d nearly been crushed by a collapsing building. He’d got a little too close to the staged explosion, which was exactly what had had him nursing a headache yesterday. But today he’d done it on purpose. He felt high—untouchable. The adrenaline he’d felt since kissing a very naked Fia goodbye on his bed coursed through him. Now they’d managed to get the scene perfect in one take. There would be more so the crew could catch all the angles, but he’d nail them, too.
    â€œCut!” the director yelled. “Reset the scene.”
    Antonio ambled toward Isaac and clapped him on the back. “Good work. Just a few more takes, but if you keep bringing that energy we’re going to be back on schedule in no time.”
    Isaac sensed the young director’s relief. This film was his chance to make the jump from music videos to the big screen. The actor nodded in grateful acknowledgment.
    â€œGet some rest and some water,” Antonio advised him before proceeding over to one of the cameramen to discuss what he wanted to capture with the next take.
    Isaac ran the back of his hand across his forehead, wiping away the thin sheen of sweat beading there from his exertion. He should rest, but he had other things on his mind. Glancing around the set his eyes landed on her. Fia watched him from the craft table. Their eyes locked and he was moving toward her with the speed of a man possessed. He was on the top of his game because of her and suddenly he needed a snack.
    Spencer stepped into his path, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “It’s a goddamn shame they didn’t have more cameras out there, man. That was tight.”
    Isaac mumbled in agreement, sidestepping his buddy who followed him. He only had eyes for Fia. Spencer’s head turned to see what had Isaac distracted, the confusion on his face shifting to boyish glee when he spotted her.
    â€œI see.” He nudged Isaac in the ribs. “You got like twenty minutes before they’ll be ready for the next

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