Two Parts Demon

Read Online Two Parts Demon by Viola Grace - Free Book Online

Book: Two Parts Demon by Viola Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Viola Grace
Tags: Fantasy, Paranormal, Magic, Erotic Romance
    Harcourt chuckled. “If she worked something out, we would be foolish not to. Her pedigree is nearly as convoluted as yours, Benny.”
    Benny grinned and turned to the agents. One by one, she kissed them and infused them with her strength. She had enough power with her to transport them all out of the demon zone, but she needed that blood to keep this from happening again.
    Lenora held onto her husband and asked Benny, “What is the sign?”
    “We are waiting for music and fire.”
    Her father gave her a serious look. “Do you have a plan for getting out of here?”
    “Of course. You will know it when you see it.”

Chapter Nine
    It was easier to stand with Tremble holding her than by herself. His body heat sank into her, and his fey blood sparked the air with the scent of fresh leaves.
    Benny stood with her eyes closed, waiting. The first note rang out, and she started to move.
    “It’s happening. We need to get ourselves to the street as quickly as we can.”
    She reached into the pocket of the bag and withdrew the scrap from the gown of the goddess of death. Benny stepped away from Argyle and wiped the wall in a wide arc. She tapped the fabric to the stone, and it shattered. She put the scrap back in her bag and lifted Freddy into her arms.
    “Let’s go. He will have felt that.”
    Their group surged out the door and headed for the dining hall. The path to the front door was clear, and the first words of Minerva’s song were reaching them.
    Yomra charged through the wall toward them, claws out. “You shall not leave.”
    Freddy growled, and Benny launched her through the air. Freddy went to full hellhound mode, three feet high and all teeth, wreathed with hellfire. She went for his leg and grabbed it, pulling him to the ground.
    Argyle and Tremble held his arms down while Benny grabbed for the vial in her cleavage. Smith ushered her parents past them and toward the front doors.
    It left her free to do what she needed to do.
    Yomra was fighting hard, so she grabbed the knife on her thigh and cut the blue skin at the elbow. His blood was sluggish, but she got a few drops into the vial before his skin closed. She sealed the vial and reached for another.
    “Hold him.” she stabbed into his side and collected more blood. “Damn, he heals fast.”
    Yomra was muttering at her in the demon language, and he hissed when she went in for a third strike. “This is going to have to be enough.”
    The third vial went into her clothing, and she looked her ancestor in the eyes. “Thank you for your help. I just need you to sleep now.”
    She held her hand over his nose and mouth, applying a sleep spell that should work on demons. It wouldn’t hold him long, but it should give them the time they needed.
    She kept her finger on his pulse, but it was his erection flagging that proved he was unconscious. She got to her feet and sheathed her knife. “Let’s go.”
    Argyle smiled. “That was different.”
    Freddy resumed her more portable form, and Benny scooped her up. “Well done, Freddy.”
    Freddy yapped excitedly and wiggled in the bag.
    Benny, Argyle and Tremble ran for the door. The other three were waiting at the door, and Minerva’s song was getting stronger. A heavy rhythmic thudding was also getting closer. There were shouts of confusion and fear, which were not in keeping with the demon zone.
    Harcourt opened the door, and he cracked one of the guards in the jaw while kicking the other. Benny had never seen her father in action, and she could see what Lenora saw in him.
    The thundering grew louder, and down the street, a wave of horses could be seen, flanked by fire.
    Tremble gasped. “Where did those come from?”
    Benny blinked. “They live at our place.”
    The first of the horses skidded to a halt in front of her. It nudged her in the chest, and she didn’t waste time. She gripped the withers of its mane and pulled herself up and onto its back. Everyone else was doing the same, and

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