Twisted Affair: The Complete Series Box Set

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Book: Twisted Affair: The Complete Series Box Set by M. S. Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. S. Parker
Tags: Romance
years, she has to file for divorce, and you keep it in your pants or in that woman.”
    My jaw dropped open in shock. I'd never heard my father be so crude and a flare of anger went through me at how he talked about Livie. I didn't even know what to say.
    “Think about it,” he said. “You've started this ball rolling. Now it's up to you to decide how far you're going to take this lie. But if you come clean, you'll either marry Rebecca Stirling or you'll be out on the streets. I will not ever… ever… have this conversation with you again. I’m finished with your messes and your shit.”
    Before I could respond, he turned around and walked out, slamming the door shut behind him. I sank down on the couch. What had I done? If I'd thought I'd been in trouble before, it was nothing compared to now, and I only had myself to blame. I'd painted myself into a corner and I only had two ways out. I could confess and lose everything.
    Or I could go try to convince a complete stranger to marry me.
    I dropped my head into my hands. I was so fucked.

Chapter 10
    In some ways, it was an easy choice to make. I never even considered trying to make things right with my father by finding out if I could renew the possibility of an engagement to Rebecca. At the moment, I didn't want to “make things right” with my dad. If it weren’t for my inheritance being at stake, I probably would've told him to go to hell the moment he'd set up an ultimatum. Now, I was trying to figure out a way to still give him the metaphorical finger, but not end up broke and homeless.
    Three years of hell was better than a lifetime of it.
    I frowned as the thought came to me that if I lost my apartment, I didn't know where I would go. I had friends, plenty of them, but as I thought about each one, I realized I wasn't entirely sure how long they’d stay if I didn't have the money to throw around. If I couldn't buy drugs and booze, if I couldn't pay for strippers or get us into clubs, would my friends still be my friends?
    I had a bad feeling that if I didn't get this taken care of, I would end up sharing a room with one of my nephews while Samuel tried to convince our father to change his mind and Hannah pretended I wasn't a huge inconvenience. She loved me, I knew, but I also knew my behavior bothered her and she definitely didn't want it around the kids. Moving in would probably push her over the edge.
    I ran my hand through my hair. I'd had a great life. Why couldn't I just go back to it? I looked at the empty water glass on the table. I had to stop whining and get on with it. There was no turning back. My dad had set the rules and I had a choice to make. Or rather, a choice to follow through with. I already knew I wouldn’t walk away, which meant I only had one true choice.
    I shifted and caught a whiff of stale beer and sweat. Lovely. Before I did anything, I needed to get cleaned up. Maybe something to eat. My stomach flipped. Okay, maybe sleep, then something to eat. I wasn't entirely sure passing out on the couch really constituted a restful night. I knew the crick in my neck was in agreement.
    I woke up mid-afternoon feeling better than I had earlier. My hangover was gone and my stomach felt like it would actually hold something solid. I didn't eat much though, not wanting to push it. I glanced at the clock. I didn't know if Livie would be working again tonight, but I figured it was the best place to start looking for her. And I needed to find her. After all, I had to propose and get her to say 'yes’.
    The first thing I knew I needed to do was find a ring, it would go a long way in proving to her I was serious. I'd made a joke about paying her to marry me before, so she might think I was still joking. If I had a ring, it'd look more real. Not that I wanted her to think it was real. I'd already decided I was going to do this, but it would have to be a business deal. I'd make sure both of us got something we needed out of it.
    I'd never

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