Twisted Affair: The Complete Series Box Set

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Book: Twisted Affair: The Complete Series Box Set by M. S. Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. S. Parker
Tags: Romance
crack. I'd been on the receiving end of that stare more than once. I kept looking back, my face blank. The only times he'd ever caught me in a lie were the occasions I'd done something dumb enough to leave evidence. He'd never been able to coerce me into confession and I wasn't about to let him start now.
    “I may not have been specific enough regarding what constituted appropriate,” he said finally.
    I should've been relieved. This fake engagement might buy me enough time to figure out what I was going to do. The problem was, I saw a gleam in my father's eye that meant his concession was actually just the introduction to something worse.
    “But now I'm going to be.”
    “You see, I know you Blayne. I know that you're lying, either about who that girl is or this whole engagement story. Most likely both. But I know you're not going to tell me. You're going to do what you always do, try to find some loophole, some way around what you're required to do.”
    I didn't like it, but he was right. I was already trying to find a way out.
    “So here's how it's going to be. There are going to be some requirements that accompany this engagement and marriage.”
    “Now wait a minute,” I started to protest. “I don't think it's fair that you're going to tell me what I can and can't do in my own marriage.”
    “Be quiet.”
    My mouth snapped shut. I wished he'd stop treating me like a child.
    “First, you've made your bed and you're going to lie in it.”
    Oh shit. I really hoped that didn't mean what it sounded like.
    “There will not be serial engagements where you propose, get engaged, then break it off a few weeks or months later, hoping to reset the clock on the timeframe I originally gave you.”
    I hadn't even thought of that idea, but if I had, that's definitely what I would've done.
    “You said this Livie is your fiancée, so she's the one you're going to marry. If you break this engagement or have her break it off, you're done. And since you've already found her, there's no need to wait six months since you won't be calling off the wedding. You will get married this Saturday at the courthouse. If she wants a big wedding, you can have a ceremony whenever you wish, but it will be legal before next week.”
    This was getting worse. I was so screwed.
    “I'm sure the next thing you're thinking is that you'll simply marry her, wait a few days or maybe even a couple months and divorce her, claiming you fulfilled your end of the bargain since you got married.”
    I hated that he knew this part of me so well, but had never bothered to get to know anything else about me. If there was anything else to me other than shallow manipulation. I knew my family didn't think so.
    “You will have to stay married for at least three years, at which time, she can file for divorce if she wishes, but you're not allowed to.”
    I ground my teeth together so hard that my jaw started to ache.
    “Lastly,” he continued.
    If he said I had to get her pregnant, I would end it right there. It was bad enough that I'd dragged a total stranger into this shit. I wouldn't even consider bringing a child into the picture. Besides, there were already twelve kids in the family, including five boys to carry on the family name. The Westmore legacy was pretty secure.
    “During the entire time you're married, you'll remain faithful to her.”
    I stared at him. He had to be kidding. This was a fucking arranged marriage. He couldn't seriously expect me to spend at least three years only having sex with one person. I didn't doubt I could get any woman into bed, but I didn't want to be with the same person more than a couple times, much less three entire years.
    “You can go to strip clubs and watch, but if I hear you're doing anything more than watching, you're done. I won't even pretend that I won’t have people looking out for my interests. If there's even a hint of infidelity, you lose it all.” He took a step toward me. “This Saturday, three

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