True Deceptions (True Lies)

Read Online True Deceptions (True Lies) by Veronica Forand - Free Book Online

Book: True Deceptions (True Lies) by Veronica Forand Read Free Book Online
Authors: Veronica Forand
    Blonde hair covered her face. She shifted, and her hair fell over her shoulders. “I’m up.”
    She arched her back and stretched her legs. Part of her makeup had smudged around her eyes. The slight imperfection annoyed him. He licked his finger and rubbed it smooth.
    Yes, she was intelligent and articulate, but she’d never develop into a competent field agent. In his experience, people either had street smarts or not. She didn’t. She’d probably take a bullet rather than harm someone. The urge to protect her overrode his instincts. Nicola took care of herself and would think nothing of slitting a man’s throat if he attempted to hurt her. It was one of her best qualities. Cassie wouldn’t be able to fend off a mosquito. He shouldn’t lose sleep over her inevitable demise. She wasn’t his responsibility. In fact, he’d transfer her back to MI6 headquarters at Vauxhall Cross if he could. So why the hell was he so conflicted about her?
    He helped her inside the flat and almost came undone when she faced him to say good night. She stared at him, and her lips curved up. It wasn’t meant to be seductive, but the gesture brought his focus to her mouth. He turned without a word and headed to bed.
    Several hours later, a vibration on his phone woke him. Someone was at the front door. He grabbed his gun and headed to the monitor in the closet to see who thought a five a.m. visit was a good idea. A sharp intake of air, a high-pitched squeak, and a deep laugh greeted him as he left his bedroom.
    What the hell?
    In the foyer, a man wearing a delivery service uniform and a ball cap pulled over his eyes pointed a gun at Cassie, who stood against a wall with wide eyes and a pale complexion.
    Son of a bitch.
    “Put the gun down, Tucker.”
    “Tucker?” Cassie asked in a faint voice. She appeared unable to function and, may God strike him dead, enticing as hell wearing a low-cut pink nightgown, probably one of Pauline’s purchases.
    Tucker noticed. His eyes lingered on her breasts as he aimed the gun at her. Nicola would have held her head up and spit in his face, but Cassie wasn’t the spit in the face type. She was the “die while pleading for her life” type.
    Tucker carried a large envelope in one hand and continued to train his gun at Cassie, who stood several inches taller than her assailant. He turned toward Simon and tipped the brim of his baseball cap back, revealing his pretty boy face. “I’m impressed with your ability to recognize me. Cassie thought I was with DHL, not the man she’d had lunch with two months ago.”
    Simon aimed at Tucker’s forehead. “I have an innate ability to spot an asshole, even one in disguise. Put the gun down.”
    Tucker chuckled. “I wanted to see how she’s doing. Not very well. I could have been an assassin.” He faced her. “Didn’t you learn anything in training?”
    Cassie backed into the table behind her and clenched her hands together, tight enough to turn her knuckles white. Her breathing sounded shallow and rapid. Not the reaction expected of a field operative.
    Simon sealed his emotions inside and pointed his Glock toward the floor. “Go ahead, shoot her. I could care less, but don’t get blood all over the flat. By the way, you suck at choosing competent agents. Next time, send me someone at least as good as Nicola.”
    Tucker smirked and holstered the gun. “Same cold bastard as always.”
    Leaving Tucker with Cassie, Simon headed to the kitchen for a shot of something strong. Cassie’s unique knowledge of robotics applications, particularly as they applied to drones, would protect her from Tucker’s threats for a little while, until Simon could locate a safe position for her, away from fieldwork.
    “Don’t get me wrong. I think Miss Watson here is quite necessary,” Tucker called out to him. “Apparently, no one else is as capable in her minuscule area of expertise. I just hope she doesn’t get you killed before you complete your

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