Triple Infinity

Read Online Triple Infinity by K. J. Jackson - Free Book Online

Book: Triple Infinity by K. J. Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. J. Jackson
“That’s not good. Not good at all.”
    Shiv’s mouth still hung open. “What’s the Secretary of State doing here?”
    Triaten shot her a no- questions look. “Discrete — remember? I have to get in there.”
    Triaten exited the jeep. Halfway to the ranch’s front door, he turned and stepped back, opening the passenger door. He leaned over her. “Just go in through the kitchen and take your shower, okay?”
    Shiv instantly took offense. “The kitchen? So I’m the whore that can’t go through the front door?”
    Confusion blanketed Triaten’s face before the understanding hit. “No — not in the slightest. I just don’t want you messed in with whatever snake pit I’m walking into.”
    “Oh. Sorry. That was a bit much, huh?”
    Triaten gave her a quick smile. “A bit.”
    He turned and walked into the ranch. Horace was waiting for him in the study. He didn’t turn to Triaten, instead, looked out the front window, arms crossed against his chest. Triaten closed the door of the study behind him as he walked into the room.
    “Negotiations elevated in a poor way and broke down last night.” Horace’s eyes didn’t leave the window as he spoke.
    Out of the corner of the window, Triaten could see Shiv walking around the side of the ranch, directly in sight-line of Horace. So much for discreetness.
    “What happened?” Triaten asked.
    “The usual. An implosion of the negotiations. One snide comment, and it escalated out of proportion. DeLisio left for the airfield. Luckily, the Secretary was in town, and we got him to intercede. He convinced DeLisio — threatened, to be more precise — and got him back here, if not yet in the same room as Shafar.”
    “So negotiations are back on?”
    “In theory, but ten steps back.” Horace finally turned from the window, eyes narrowed at Triaten. “Where the hell were you? We’ve been working on this for weeks, and you decide to disappear? Neutrality was what was needed last night. It’s your job to supply it. It’s why we put them here to begin with.”
    “All was peaceful when I left for town to give you and the elders the report last night. And then I was at Joe’s. Why didn’t someone get me?”
    “Joe’s was closed, and you were nowhere to be found.”
    Triaten didn’t answer. His jaw tightened, but he bit his tongue. He was screwed on that account.
    “Who was that woman outside? And don’t tell me you’re abolishing your duties for some human tryst. You being involved with a human is not acceptable.” Coming from Horace, it was a scolding, not a question.
    “No worries on that front. Just using her for sex, father. You taught me that well.”
    “You’re walking a fine line, Triaten, and you’ve already cashed in all your good will with the Aiden and Skye debacle.”
    Horace moved past him to the study door. Hand on the doorknob, he turned back to Triaten. “You right t his today, Triaten. You get Shafar and DeLisio back at the table. I don’t need to remind you what’s at stake.”
    Triaten shook his head. Just tens of thousands of lives, he filled in silently.

{ Chapter 5 }
    He felt Shiv behind him before she spoke. Her scent, clean jasmine soap, had filled the room, even before her footsteps thudded in on the library floor.
    “What in the world are you staring at?”
    Triaten blinked. He hadn’t really been staring at anything, eyes just glazed over in thought. He looked over his shoulder at Shiv.
    She kicked the floor with her bare toe. “I mean, clearly, it’s an unfinished floor. But why are you staring at it? You’ve been standing there for a while.”
    Triaten’s eyebrow rose. “I have?”
    “Am I looking at you like you’re a crazy person?” She stepped around in front of him. “Because I’m starting to wonder. I walked by here ten minutes ago, and you were in that same spot, staring at the floor. I walk by again, and you haven’t moved a muscle.”
    “Hmm,” Triaten didn’t pay h er crazy

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