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Book: Treasured by Candace Camp Read Free Book Online
Authors: Candace Camp
understand. If you sell, Baillannan will fall to someone who knows nothing of the land, cares nothing for it. The new owner will likely decide to raise sheep because they are more profitable, as so many are doing. They will clear out the crofters, turn them out of their homes. These are your people now. You have a duty, a commitment to—”
    “I am not the laird.” His voice was crisp and cool. “I fear you mistake me for a very different sort of man. I don’t know these people or have any feudal duty regarding them. I won a house in a card game. That is what I am. That is what I do. My living lies in London, and the only people I have any affinity for are the denizens of the clubs there.”
    “You mean—that is how you support yourself? You are a cardsharp?”
    “I am no sharp.” His mouth tightened, his deep blue eyes turning wintry. “I do not ensnare flats up from the country. Idon’t use fulhams—indeed I don’t play dice at all, for that’s a fool’s game unless you load them. I frequent gambling clubs, not hells, where I match my skills against aristocrats, who generally have more gold than sense. I am no gentleman. And I intend to sell this house.” He stopped, pressing his lips together as if pulling himself up short.
    “I see. Perhaps we should return to the house now. I have preparations to make.” Without waiting for an answer, Isobel whirled and walked away. He stood for a moment, then followed, making no effort to catch up to her.

    Upon arriving home, Isobel launched herself into going through her family’s possessions. She went first to Sir Andrew’s bedroom. It was not the master’s bedroom, where her father had slept, for Andrew had been reluctant to move into it after their father’s death. Opening the door, Isobel glanced around. The shelves, the chests, the bed, all were much unchanged since Andrew had been a lad.
    “I wonder if there is anything from here Andrew would want, that we should ship to him in London.”
    She had spoken her words to Hamish, standing grimly beside the door, but it was her aunt who answered, “What do you mean? Why would you send Andy’s things to London? He would prefer to have them here, I imagine.”
    “Yes, of course,” Isobel agreed. She had done her best to persuade her aunt to stay in the sitting room with her needlework, but Elizabeth had thwarted all her efforts and insisted on helping. “Still, we should clean out the rooms, don’t you think? I am afraid I have let things accumulate sadly.”
    “But not Andrew’s, surely. Really, Isobel, I am not sure it is at all the thing to begin spring cleaning while we have a guest staying with us.”
    Isobel gritted her teeth. She could not tell if her aunt had forgotten they had lost their house or if she was simply ignoring the fact. Whichever it was, Isobel knew that she would be sorry afterward if she snapped at Elizabeth.
    “Let’s leave Andrew’s room for the moment, then.” Isobel went across the hall to the room that had been her grandmother’s.
    Inside, all the furniture was laid with dustcovers, giving it an odd, almost ghostly appearance. Even after all this time, it still smelled of her perfume. Isobel could not repress a little shiver. She had been in awe of her grandmother, whose small frame had held an indomitable personality.
    “Isobel!” Elizabeth’s voice was shocked. “No. You cannot mean to change Mother’s room.”
    “Aunt Elizabeth . . . it has been years since Grandmother died.”
    “Yes, but . . . it doesn’t seem right to disturb her things.” Elizabeth gazed around the room with an expression so lost it made Isobel’s heart clench in her chest.
    “Of course. We shall leave it the way it is.” Isobel drew her aunt out of the room. “You know . . .” She was suddenly seized by inspiration. “You are right; we are being rude to Mr. Kensington. I must get to work, but it would help me a great deal if you would keep Mr. Kensington company. No doubt he

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