Travel Bug

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Book: Travel Bug by David Kempf Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Kempf
also a foolish policy. I was sorry for the woman’s great pain and I was sincerely praying for her. I was also looking to God to ask for the strength to forgive.
    “We’re going to hunt her down,” Harold said.
    “We will but we need to know what she wants…”
    “Her travels through time have been devastating to her. She saw something terrible like the real origins of life and her faith was destroyed, Andrew.”
    “Primordial ooze,” I said.
    “Whatever,” he answered me.
    “The point of all this is, Harold… she saw… something.”
    “Yes,” he answered.
    “What did she see?”
    “The missing link, Charles Darwin, her son’s death, her husband being happy, evidence that non-Christians get into heaven, almost anything could get that woman unstable, I should think. That was fine, just fine. Her dreams and frustrations and beliefs all revolved around the cult of fundamentalist Christianity.”
    “Yes,” I agreed.
    I remembered how close to a train our mansion was. God, I loved the sounds of trains going by. She hated them. Some of the other servants insisted she could never sleep due to the sounds of the trains going by. That probably was not the reason she was unstable but it didn’t help the situation either.
    “The real question is not what she saw per se but what she intends to do, Andrew. I know you want to get on with your life soon but she could end the world!”
    “We have got to stay on top of her…”
    “We’re going to eat the bug and find out where she is,” Harold said.
    We did.
    “Please, I beg you, father, I am not a witch” said a sixteen year old girl.
    “Do you… accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal savior before facing the punishment of this just inquisition?” asked the murderer of the cloth.
    “Yes but I’m innocent…”
    The flames were lit at the base of the hay and the agonizing young girl went up in flames. We watched her scream… it was extremely terrifying.
    “My God, I see her,” said Harold.
    It was her, I could tell because no one else would be a fellow time traveler. She was no longer fat, she was seductively thin. She was no longer a brunette, oh no, her hair was a lovely shade of gray. Now the biggest shocker of all, she was wearing a monk’s robe. Well, perhaps that wasn’t the most intriguing fact I could see that the former zealous woman of modesty was nude underneath the holy garment.
    “My God,” I said.
    “I know, Andrew.”
    She was sexually aroused by the sadistic torture of watching someone burned alive at the stake.
    “Her style is sadism and unreality……”
    “Yes, son,” said Harold.
    She didn’t touch herself but she sure as hell looked like she was giving it some serious consideration. Then she spoke.
    “I might have been wrong about you people. Only the true love of Christ could lead people to do this. It’s a reversal of things, to find out you might have been hasty in your judgments.”
    “She’s fucking crazy,” said Harold.
    “I forgot all about not judging. Judge not, lest ye be judged, what a wonderful thought and phrase. The idea that sinners can get a little taste of hell is wondrous. I’m sorry for all of that, well, some of that Whore of Babylon talk. You allowed them to suffer in pain to save their soul, I love…”
    “She really is fucking crazy,” said my great grandfather.
    “I know, Harold.”
    “Let’s get the hell out of here,” he said.
    “I need a break for a little while,” I said.
    “Good. Where do we go?”
    “I don’t know, anywhere, anywhere, we’re filthy rich you know.”
    “I feel bad for struggling families like the Bush’s and Kennedy’s.”
    “So do I,” answered Harold, laughing.
    Bermuda was lovely and we paid off some folks to get the breathtaking Horseshoe bay to ourselves. Well, not completely to ourselves, we met two beautiful ladies. We never once asked them their names and they didn’t volunteer the information. I had never slept with a woman before and

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