Trainwreck 2 (Trainwreck #2)

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Book: Trainwreck 2 (Trainwreck #2) by Nelle L'Amour Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nelle L'Amour
prick might be heading to her place. I gave her the address and told her to hang out there. And to keep me posted.
    It took me a fucking long hour to get up to Eighty-Fifth Street. Valeting my car, I stalked up to my apartment. It was after seven and Ben was already sound asleep in bed.
    “ Eez everything okay, Señor Golden?” asked my perceptive housekeeper, Luisa, sensing my distress.
    “Yes,” I assured her as calmly as I could, knowing that she was as worried about Cassandra’s reappearance as I was. “I’m going to my office to do some work.”
    I could tell from her concerned expression that she knew something was off. “Can I get you anything?”
    “No, Luisa. Thank you, but I’m good.” I did, however, stop at my well-stocked bar to pour myself a shot of brandy before heading to my office.
    My office was located off the living room. It was spacious and as elegant as the rest of the apartment. The Art Deco desk I sat at had once belonged to my father, which made it special. It was uncluttered with just my large desktop computer and some family photos strategically placed. Sipping the brandy with my tie loosened, I reviewed my upcoming presentation to our Board of Directors and then tweaked the speech I was giving at the gala to raise money for my non-profit foundation, Meds Without Borders. Both were happening tomorrow, the former in the afternoon at my corporate headquarters and the latter in the evening at the Waldorf Astoria—the event I’d planned to take Sarah to until fucking Cassandra and Sarah’s damn boyfriend got in the way. As my blood simmered, my cell phone pinged. A text. My iPhone was right next to my computer and I grabbed it. The message was from Olga.
    Air clogged my lungs and my chest tightened. In my face was a photo of fucking Fernando carrying Sarah up the landing to her brownstone. She looked unconscious. Limp. A blood-curdling mixture of anxiety and envy coursed through me. As concerned as I was about Sarah’s well-being, what drove me fucking insane was the fact that she was in his arms. My beautiful princess only belonged in one pair of arms. Mine.
    Breathing in and out of my nose, I called Olga.
    “Follow him.”

    I heard my alarm go off. The shrill, painful ring echoed in my ears. GRRR! No, no, no! But my alarm didn’t hear me. Peeling one eye open, I took in my surroundings. It took me a few moments to get my bearings. I was home, stark naked in my bed. My foul-tasting tongue was pasted to my parched palate, and my head pounded. I had no recollection of how I got to my apartment. The last thing I remembered was Fernando hailing a cab. And I think I threw up a lot. Oh God! My fucked-up life had turned me into a drunken fool. Fortunately, Fernando was the kind of friend who was as forgiving as he was faithful. The clothes I’d worn last night were folded neatly on a small chair. Fernando must have undressed me, but because he was gay, I somehow didn’t mind so much. And probably whatever I wore yesterday reeked from barfing. A wave of nausea washed over me. A reminder. I was majorly hungover.
    Thank goodness, I was taking the day off from work to visit my mother. I wouldn’t have to face Fernando. And I wouldn’t have to face the wicked bitch. I was in no condition to put up with her demands or threats. On Monday, I planned to go to human resources. No, I wasn’t going to file harassment charges—that was too risky—but I was going to put in a request for a transfer. It wouldn’t win me back the heart of my Trainman, but at least it would give my life a glimmer of sanity.
    Opening my other eye, I glanced at the alarm clock on my nightstand. Shit. It was almost ten. I had a train to catch at eleven, which meant I had less than a half hour to get ready. Wrapping the tacky zebra print sheet around me, I rolled out of bed and staggered into the kitchen. Jo-Jo was already on the counter, waiting to be fed. After opening a can of cat food and pouring him some milk, I

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