Trail of the Hanged Man

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Book: Trail of the Hanged Man by Steve Hayes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steve Hayes
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    A shimmering reflection of the moon floated on the surface of the creek. Lawless gazed across it and contemplated the sacred wickiup. ‘You ever seen her?’
    ‘Once,’ said Sven.
    ‘I can see her face,’ Lawless said, ‘but I can’t describe it.’
    ‘I gave up trying,’ Sven said. ‘The irony is,’ he added, ‘we cansee and can’t describe her yet she’s blind and can describe us.’
    ‘How do you know that?’
    ‘Almighty Sky told Raven. Said Lolotea asked about her one day. Called her Ish-kay-nay – which in Mescalero means “boy who is indifferent to marriage”, or in Raven’s case a “tomboy”. She was also the first to call my wife Nah-tanh , Apache for cornflower, which happens to be the color of her eyes.’
    ‘Judas,’ Lawless said.
    ‘What makes it even stranger, Ingrid’s never met her—’ He broke off as there was a noise on the opposite bank. Turning, they saw Walking Man wading across the creek toward them.
    Almighty Sky met him at the water’s edge. They spoke briefly. Then Walking Man returned across the creek.
    Almighty Sky joined Lawless and Sven.
    ‘It is ended,’ he said. ‘The boy’s spirit has returned to our world. When the sun awakens, Runs With Head Up will bring him to you.’

    Dawn came. The row of jagged bluffs to the east hid the rising sun, but they couldn’t hide its magnificence. Gradually, lavender and rose streaks seeped out from behind the ridge flooding the heavens with color.
    As if the approach of a new day was a signal, Runs With Head Up emerged from the sacred wickiup carrying Joey. The boy was conscious but very weak. His face was painted white and Lawless’s blood encircled his eyes and lips, giving him a ghoulish effect. He gazed vacantly about him, trying to grasp where he was and why he was there. All he could see were Apaches – men, women and children from the village, lining the opposite bank. They blocked his view of everything behind them and he vaguely wondered  where his sister was.
    Runs With Head Up waded across the creek. He held Joey in his muscular arms as if the boy were weightless. When he reached the other bank the crowd stepped back, letting them pass through. The more curious Apaches touched Joey, hoping to attain spiritual enlightenment from this ‘Child of the Pale Eyes’ whom the Sacred One had resurrected.
    Lawless watched everything from the wagon box. From his vantage point he could see Runs With Head Up approaching with Joey and behind them the crowd, chanting and shouting.
    ‘Get ready,’ he called out. ‘Boy’s on his way.’
    Sven lowered the wagon tailgate and turned to face the oncoming Apaches. Kneeled in the wagon, Violet could contain herself no longer. Jumping up, she began waving excitedly to her brother.
    ‘Joey! … Joe-eee!’
    He raised his head, saw Violet waving to him from the wagon and feebly waved back.
    Suddenly a golden eagle flew dangerously low over the village.
    Its swooping shadow chased dogs to safety.
    Mothers fearfully clutched their babies to their breasts.
    The eagle, now a silhouette against the naked blue sky, winged ever upward and was soon lost in the sun. Its shrill screech echoed off the sandstone cliffs.
    As if beckoned by the cry, Almighty Sky stepped from the council wickiup. Attired in his ceremonial dress he looked taller, prouder and more dignified than usual, while in his dark, lidded eyes burned the fires of his forefathers. Waiting until Runs With Head Up drew level with him, he fell in beside the young brave and together they walked to the wagon.
    There, Almighty Voice turned to his people. They at once quieted. Raising his hands heavenward, he began speaking in Mescalero. He thanked the Great Spirit for allowing the Sacred One to save the child of the Pale Eyes, adding that despite the many differences between the Apaches and their white brothers,he was happy to have lived long enough to see the day when their hatred for one another had

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