
Read Online Touched by Vicki Green - Free Book Online

Book: Touched by Vicki Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vicki Green
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God is gone, what happened and how do you feel about spending the night last night with said God, which you never, ever do and spending the weekend here,” she asks until her face begins turning a light shade of red.
“Girl, breathe a little when you talk, ok?” I start to lay back against the pillow when I wince in pain, but she’s quick to take ahold of my arms and helps me until I’m settled.
“That asswipe really did a number on you, didn’t he?” I nod sadly. “Well, at least you didn’t end up in the hospital like when that bastard kept throwing you against the wall, almost breaking your back. Now, spill.”
She gets settled on the bed and starts eating what’s left of our breakfast. “Well, a dude came in and when we got to my private room he locked the door before I knew what he was doing and then attacked me. He whipped my left thigh and bottom with his belt, bit down over my breasts, leaving huge bite marks and when I struggled he cold cocked me on my face. Fucking asshole. Now, Knox wants to take care of me and pretty much has forbidden me from going back to the club. Like he can tell me what to do. And as far as last night? I don’t really remember much since I was out from the pain meds.” She’s nodding the entire time I’m talking.
“Well, I agree with Knox on not going back to the club and I love that he wants to take care of you. If you’ll only let him.” My head starts shaking as she speaks. “Oh, come on, Jade! Why not let someone take care of you? I know you’re an independent woman, wanting to make her own decisions and I know you can more than take care of yourself but wouldn’t it be nice to have a strong sexy God take care of you for once?” She has a point.
“Amber, I…” Fuck! I want to tell her how I feel about him, but I’m afraid it will be in the papers. I start biting on my fingernail as the nervousness washes through me. I would love to be able to confide in her, especially since she’s really my only friend, and I do trust her, mostly.
She gives me her famous smirk and then laughs. “Oh, my God! You can tell me. I promise my lips are sealed! Come on! We’re best friends!” Damn, she has another point.
Against my better judgment, I decide to spill. Lord help me. “Ok, but if you tell anyone I swear to all that’s holy I will never speak to you again.” Her hand swipes across her heart, brings her hand out to me with her pinky extended, and I wrap my pinky around it, and we shake. I take a deep breath and open my mouth to release it blowing some of my long hair away from my face. “You’re sworn to secrecy now, no backing out. I’ve never felt this way before. I’m confused, happy, sad, excited, but I dunno. I don’t know if I can let go of my independence enough to let him in or stop my stubborn ways and this weekend? I’ve never spent the night with a man before and last night doesn’t count because I don’t remember it. What am I gonna do?”
She reaches over, taking my hands in hers and smiles. “You’re gonna woman up and let him take care of you. You’re going to relax and enjoy being pampered and being here with him. You don’t want to be alone for the rest of your life and I can tell you’re falling for him fast and hard. Give in a little, live for once in your pig headed life and let yourself fall in love. You deserve it, Jade. But most of all? Don’t think about anything while you’re here, just feel.” Releasing one of my hands, she wipes away a tear on my bruised cheek, gently.
“How’d you get so smart anyway?” I ask as I start sniffling.
“Oh, I dunno. A year of experience with this sexy lady has made my smartness grow very quickly.” A laugh escapes my mouth and after we both laugh to ease the tension, we end up finishing what’s left of the food on the tray.
§ § § §
I left the girls alone to talk, but now I’m wondering if that was a mistake as I wouldn’t be there to defend myself. I don’t know why I’m so

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