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Book: Touch by Sarah White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah White
I’m not about to go ask for it. I let my head fall against the wall behind me and hope that they remember that their coffee is getting cold out there on the counter.
                  I don’t have anywhere I need to be until this afternoon, so at least I have that going for me. I adjust the towel and slide my legs out in front of me. I can’t really be angry with him. He was upfront about his lifestyle and he’s doing me a huge favor letting me stay here. What I’m angry about is the way my heart hurt when his eyes met mine a few minutes ago.
                  I rub my face with my hands. Hanging out in this empty room is going to suck if he and coffee girl plan on being locked up in his room for a while. I wait about ten minutes longer and then stick my head out into the hallway to see if the coast is clear. When I don’t find anyone in the living room, I make my way out to the couch and pick up the remote before sinking down into the cushions and flipping on the TV.
                  I cross my legs and prop my feet up on the table in front of me. I scan the guide and quickly decide that The Notebook would not be a great choice. I opt for a comedy instead. I reach up and feel my hair, knowing that it is going to be a disaster today since I won’t have a chance to blow it dry before the natural curls take over. I comb my fingers through its length and twist it into a tight knot at the base of my head.
                  The movie is one that I haven’t seen yet and I find myself relaxing and even laughing a little. This is exactly what I need right now. It isn’t too much longer before I hear Noah’s door open and coffee girl bounces out, a little disheveled. I don’t look directly at them, but I can see from the corner of my eye that Noah gives her a small peck on the lips and then leaves his room to walk her out.
                  I hold onto my towel as the two of them make their way to the front door. Coffee girl gives me a wave and I offer her a smile and a wave in return. I’ll never understand how any woman could be okay with being the flavor of the week for some guy, but it isn’t my place to judge. I shrug it off and return my attention to the movie, waiting for their goodbye to be over so I can get my bag from Noah’s room.
                  The couch dips beside me with Noah’s weight and I feel his eyes on me.
                  “I’m not sure that hanging around in your towel is such a great idea, Crash,” he points out.
                  “It’s not my preferred outfit.” I look down at the towel that is wrapped tightly around my body. “But I didn’t really have much of a choice.” I can almost see the light-bulb moment when Noah puts the pieces together.
                  His head tips back and he rubs his face before turning to me. “Shit, Leah. I’m sorry. I totally forgot we put your bag in there last night.” I wave off his statement and giggle at a very funny scene in the movie. 
                  “I’ll get it in a minute. This movie is cracking me up. It feels good to laugh.”
                  “Don’t rush for me,” Noah replies and I know without looking that my favorite smile is on display. His finger traces the skin on my shoulder absently and I know he doesn’t even realize he is doing it as he watches the movie and laughs along with me.
                  I hear my phone ringing from the bedroom and I make sure to grip my towel as I stand up. “I’m going to answer that and get dressed. I should be out from under your feet in a few minutes.”
              Noah nods his head and I watch as his eyes dip down to my legs before returning to my face. He tries not to be obvious about it, but since I am studying his face it’s hard for me to miss. When our eyes meet again I lift a brow and put my hand on my hip. “I saw that.”

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