Totally Unrelated

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Book: Totally Unrelated by Tom; Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tom; Ryan
Tags: JUV013000, JUV039060, JUV031040
Dad is yelling for me until Gran pokes me in the arm and points him out. He’s standing backstage with some man I’ve never seen before.
    â€œNeil,” says Dad as I walk up to them, “this is an old friend of mine, Martin Teasdale. He’s the guy who helped us land the Vince Beach gig.”
    â€œCall me Marty,” he says, shaking my hand.
    â€œSo you’re their manager?” I ask him.
    â€œNo,” he says. “I work for the promotions company that’s coordinating the Halifax end of things. We were asked to find some local openers, and since I’ve been hearing good things about you guys, I decided to give your old man here a call. After what I just saw, I have to say I’m extremely happy I did. You guys were incredible!”
    â€œThanks,” I say.
    â€œSeriously,” he goes on. “Just incredible. I can’t wait to hear you on the big stage. I know Vince is going to love you guys. So how do you feel, Neil? Getting excited about Thursday? Nervous?”
    For a moment I wonder how he’s heard about the talent show. But that just doesn’t make any sense.
    â€œThursday?” I repeat.
    Marty laughs. “Of course you aren’t nervous,” he says. He turns to Dad. “I gotta say, you’ve raised a bunch of true professionals, McClintock. Listen, guys, I would love to hang out longer, but I have to drive all the way back to Halifax tonight, so I should hit the road. You know where you’re going, right?”
    â€œYou bet,” says Dad. “We’ll be there bright and early.”
    â€œGood man,” says Marty. He shakes Dad’s hand and then reaches out and slaps me on the back. “See you guys on Thursday.”
    â€œDad,” I say as Marty walks away, my heart sinking into my stomach, “what does he mean, on Thursday ?”
    Dad gives me a funny look. “What are you talking about?”
    â€œThe Vince Beach show is on Saturday, isn’t it? That’s what you told us.”
    â€œYeah, but I had the date wrong. I told you guys about the change the next day at rehearsal. It’s been on the calendar for weeks, Neil.”
    My head starts to spin.
    â€œBut Thursday is supposed to be our day off,” I say.
    â€œCome on, Neil,” says Dad. “You aren’t going to turn this into a problem, are you? Not after the show we had tonight. You did a great job up there, buddy. I’m proud of you, but it was just a warm-up. Aren’t you dying to get up in front of a really massive crowd on Thursday?”
    I’m at a loss for words. I don’t know what to do or how to explain to my father how horrible this is. Before I have the chance to say anything, he’s hustled me around to the back of the stage and called the rest of the family over to help tear down our equipment. Next thing I know, we’re packed up and driving home, and even though everyone else is chattering excitedly about the great show we’ve just had, I’m staring out the window of the bus, thinking about Bert and the Family McClintock and the Vince Beach Band and the awful way they’ve become tangled up with each other. Mostly, though, I’m thinking about Sandy and wondering if she’ll ever talk to me again if I bail on the talent show.
    â€œWhat’s the matter with you?” Johnny asks me as we pull into the driveway. “You haven’t said anything since we left the park.”
    â€œNothing,” I say.
    â€œYeah, right,” he says. He leans in and whispers, “I saw you kissing that chick from the church show. Nice work. No wonder you’re tongue-tied.”
    I look at him, and for a second I consider telling him what’s happened, but then Dad parks and everyone piles out of the bus and starts to unload gear.
    When everything’s been put away, Dad locks the garage and we head into the kitchen to grab something to eat. Kathy and Gran drove home ahead of

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