
Read Online Torn by Keisha Ervin - Free Book Online

Book: Torn by Keisha Ervin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Keisha Ervin
Tags: Fiction, Literary, General
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then she was.
    "Where yo' out-of-work son at?" Mo teased her father as he sat down at the kitchen table.
    "Downstairs in his room doing what he do best."
    "What, sleeping?"
    "You got it."
    "Daddy, when are you gonna make Cal move out? I mean come on, the man is damn near forty."
    "Now you know yo' brother got that bum leg. It ain't but so much he can do," Cameron replied as he fixed Mo a plate.
    "Daddy please, Cal had club feet as a baby, ain't nothing wrong with him now. Yeah, he got a lil' limp in his walk but that ain't stoppin' him from gettin' a job. He just use that as an excuse. I bet his leg don't be hurtin' him when he on the boat every night."
    "He can sit down there, plus he take his wheelchair with him when he go out. Now hush all that talk and eat this food." Her father placed her plate down in front of her.
    "Wheelchair? Since when he need a wheelchair?" Mo questioned, dumbfounded. "I just seen Cal at Dreams running laps around the club. I swear he walked past me like twenty times.
    I had to tell him to go sit his ass down somewhere."
    "Maybe his leg wasn't hurtin' that night." He shrugged.
    Mo knew the real reason why her father stuck up for Cal and let him live with him rent free. For some reason he and her mother felt guilty about him being born with club feet, even though it wasn't either of their fault. As a kid, Cal was the only other child besides Mo that was showered with a little more affection. He always got an extra piece of candy or got to stay up late, even though he talked back and fucked up in school. Mo couldn't stand it. She loved her brother dearly, but it was high time he took the titty out his mouth and moved out.
    "Now I know you didn't come over here to talk down about yo' brother?"
    "No, I didn't. I came to show you something."
    "What?" Cameron asked, taking a seat across from his daughter.
    "This." Mo flashed her ring.
    " Oh ... I see ... so Quan finally popped the question?"
    "Yep. So what you think?"
    "It's a very nice ring, Monsieur."
    "I just hope everything works out as you hope." Her father shook his head, getting up.
    "And what's that supposed to mean?" she snapped.
    "Monsieur, you already know how I feel about the situation. I can't keep on talkin' to you. You gon' have to learn on yo' own."
    It wasn't like she needed her father's approval to marry Quan, but Mo truly valued it, nonetheless. Cameron had never liked Quan. He thought that Quan was nothing but trouble, which he was. He was the one who put Cam Junior onto the streets, and in Cameron's mind, was the one who had brain-washed his daughter.
    When Mo started dating Quan, Cameron thought she had lost her mind. His daughter was a straight A student with a 4.
    grade average, and she was dating a thug. Mo had even been accepted to Columbia University, but instead of heading off to college like the rest of her friends, she had stayed home and attended Webster University to be near him. Cameron just knew his daughter had gone crazy. In his mind, Quan was nothing but a no-good thug who would eventually break his daughter's heart, and he was absolutely right.
    For years, Mo would cry on her father's shoulder about Quan's latest lie or various indiscretions. Not only did he cheat on her and lie to her, but he was also locked up twice, and each time Mo stood right by his side. She put money on his books and drove up to see him every week. But what hurt Cameron the most was the fact that Mo used the money her mother left her to help Quan get further into the dope game.
    After a while, Cameron got tired of hearing his daughter's whining and complaining. He told her on numerous occa-sions to leave Quan alone, but she wouldn't, so in his mind if she liked it, he loved it. He didn't have time to deal with Mo and her foolish relationship. Cameron had his own pain to deal with. Years had passed and he still hadn't got over his wife's death. Besides, Mo was too good to be with a man like Quan, but until she realized that, Cameron

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