
Read Online Torn by Gilli Allan - Free Book Online

Book: Torn by Gilli Allan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gilli Allan
fetched a bottle of wine from the kitchen and then another, no longer bothering with glasses but glugging from the neck whenever they felt like it. Song followed song. Jessica was giddy, intoxicated by the situation as much as the alcohol. Like a young teenager, she swelled with the triumph of having pulled the best-looking bloke at the party. Yet, so concentrated was she on extracting every last heady drop from this moment, the other revellers might not have existed. The fact that she was actually over thirty and a mother, and attempting to live a responsible, grown-up life was temporarily smothered.
    â€˜When a Man Loves a Woman’ was the next song in the band’s repertoire. It led inexorably to another bout of prolonged kissing. Hard to remember the last time she’d felt like this, knees weak, innards turned to soup, blood fizzing as if carbonated; yet even as she savoured the excitement and romance of it, there was a bit of her that knew all this was nonsense, that knew she would wake up at some point with a headache, probably feeling embarrassed. Just now she didn’t care. How could she care about possible feelings of regret in the future, however soon that future might arrive?
    One of the more ‘alternative’ looking individuals – a young man – approached them.
    â€˜We’re going now, Planks. You coming? Or are you sorted for tonight?’
    Danny looked from the speaker to Jess, with raised brows.
    â€˜It’s my lift. I’ll need to go now if …?’
    â€˜He’s sorted.’ Jess said, quickly. ‘If that’s what you want, Danny?’
    â€˜If? What do you think?’
    The young man nodded and wandered off.
    Too soon, after several encores of the more upbeat songs, the band played ‘Many Miles Travelled’.’ This was their swan song and afterwards, to enthusiastic clapping and whooping, they began to pack up. The disco was immediately reinstated and the youngsters re-colonised the conservatory.
    Jess looked around; none of the group she had arrived with was within sight. She’d have to try and get a taxi if her lift had gone home, grown impatient waiting for the kissing to stop. Jess took Danny’s hand and led him through the other rooms, looking for Sheila. They found her in the kitchen.
    â€˜You’ve surfaced, have you?’ she enquired, coolly.
    â€˜Yes, I’m sorry! I’ve not been very sociable, have I? We just … we were …’
    â€˜We noticed. So, Danny, have you got transport?’
    â€˜Danny’s friends have gone. Can we squeeze him in with us do you think?’
    â€˜It’s up to Camilla. But her car is not even a proper five-seater, and there are already five of us …’ The unspoken corollary being that it was an unreasonable request, the suspension wouldn’t take it.
    Jessica’s heart sank ‘Oh! We’ll just have to try for a taxi then.’
    â€˜Don’t be silly! There’s still room for you.’ Sheila turned to Danny. ‘Won’t Emma let you stop the night? I know a lot of her friends are staying.’
    â€˜Um, I don’t really know Emma. I’m just a friend of a friend, you know? Don’t worry about me, Jess. I’ll hitch.’
    â€˜No! I’m not going without you and my hitching days are over. Where’s Rosemary? I’ll go and ask her about taxi numbers.’
    Camilla had come into the kitchen. ‘What’s this about taxis? Aren’t you coming with us, Jess?’
    â€˜Complications,’ Sheila interrupted, crisply. ‘Jess won’t go without Danny.’
    â€˜Well, I can quite understand,’ Camilla said, looking him up and down. ‘So what’s the problem? He’s a big boy. Can’t you sit on his lap, Jess?’
    â€˜I think Sheila was worried about your suspension.’
    â€˜Bugger that!’ Camilla said. ‘I wouldn’t want my suspension to

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