Tonight The World Dies

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Book: Tonight The World Dies by Amber White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amber White
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taken care of, and nothing needs to be fixed, I don’t see why we can’t stay inside for the rest of the day, ‘less of course something happens that needs handling.” He said.
    The younger kids cheered. The rain kept up for another day, soaking everything, including us, as we did the chores.
    The next day dawned hot and dry, the ground returning to hard earth by mid-afternoon. That night, after everyone else had gone to bed, I found myself staring out my window, unable to sleep, the cool night breeze blowing softly through the screen. Something moving in the tree line caught my attention. I grabbed my rifle, ready to shoot.
    I debated on calling out, getting the attention of the rest of the house, but decided it might rile up who- or whatever was out there. It was trying to be silent, but kept breaking branches and crunching leaves around it.
    A large shape stepped out into the moonlight. As it walked closer, it came into sharper focus. Two people, Brennan and Bobby, led a zombie through the lawn, a rope tied around its neck and hands. It looked fresh, pale flesh still showing on its face. I could just hear them talking through the open window.
    “Come on, we have to hurry up before any of those kids spot us.” Brennan said.
    “Don’t you think I know that? Jo is already suspicious.” Bobby spat. He looked battered, all covered in scratches and bruises.
    Trading my rifle for my pistol, I crept downstairs, keeping to the shadows as best I could. They came inside, the zombie still staggering behind them.
    “How many more of these are you going to need?” Brennan asked.
    “As many as it takes. I know I’m getting close, I just have to find how long they can be infected before it becomes ineffective.” Bobby said.
    The zombie moaned a little.
    “Shut him up!” Bobby hissed.
    Brennan tied a cloth around its mouth while Bobby used the rope to pull its hands down, out of Brennan’s way.
    They threw open the basement door, unceremoniously shoved the zombie in, and locked it behind them. I stalked forward, pressing my ear to the door. Something heavy clicked, a low moaning echoing out, then another click, and all was silent. It sounded like there were multiple zombies locked up down there, with some sort of barricade blocking out the noise they made. Brennan and Bobby started talking again, their voices getting louder. They were headed back up the stairs.
    “How much longer?” Brennan said.
    “Not long. I’m close, I’m sure of it.” Bobby answered
    “And you think it will work?”
    “Of course it will! It has to.”
    I tip-toed around the corner and hid myself behind the wall separating the entryway from the living room. The basement door opened.
    “We can’t keep this up forever.” Brennan whispered.
    “I know, I know. After this I should be ready to move on to fresher test subjects.” Bobby said.
    “You are NOT putting my family in any more danger for this. I want proof it will work first.” Brennan growled.
    “Your family won’t be in danger. We can use one of the kids.”
    A pause, then: “Which one did you have in mind?” Brennan asked.
    “Jo. We could use Jo. She’s a fighter. She’ll be perfect for it.”
    “And if you can’t get her?”
    I poked my head around the corner. Brennan was leaning against the banister, his nose pinched between his forefinger and thumb. He looked tired.
    “Then we’ll have to settle for one of the others. Sully might be a good candidate.” Bobby sat on the steps next to Brennan, his head in his hands, his whole body sagging down. He stood and trudged slowly up the stairs. “Good night.” He said, and disappeared into the shadows.
    Brennan sighed and followed him.
    When their footsteps faded, I slipped back up the stairs and into my room.
    I didn’t sleep for the rest of the night.
    Chapter thirteen
    When morning dawned, I slunk into Sully’s room, closing the door as quietly behind me as possible.
    “Sully, I need you to wake up.” I

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