Tokyo Tease

Read Online Tokyo Tease by Luna Zega - Free Book Online

Book: Tokyo Tease by Luna Zega Read Free Book Online
Authors: Luna Zega
Tags: Oriental, Japan, Erotic Romance
beautiful. I want to see you.”
    Sighing, I let him remove my inadequate attempt to hide.
    “Why didn’t you say anything about being attracted to me?” His question made my hands fly back to my breasts. Before I was able to cover myself, he caught my hands and held them tight.
    “I’ve worked here for a long time, and you’ve never acknowledged me.”
    His brow furrowed. “What do you mean? I talk to you every morning.”
    What did he mean by that? I would’ve remembered if he talked to me. I closed my eyes and thought of mornings at the office. Vividly, I could visualize him stepping off the elevator, always dapper and distinguished. “Kentaro, saying good morning in my general direction isn’t talking to me.”
    “I come to your space all the time and talk.”
    I thought over the last few months at work. He had started coming into my cubicle area in the mornings. Carrying a cup of tea, he’d step in and sit on Maya’s desk and chat.
    “You talk to Maya.” He’d never once said anything to me to make me think he wanted me to participate in the conversation. He’d sit there and visit with Maya, and all the while, my heart longed for him to talk to me.
    “I was there for you.” He caressed my wrist and forearm.
    “Kantaro, don’t. You don’t have to do this. I know you find Maya attractive. It’s okay.” I tried to fight off the images of the fat pimp’s smug, condescending smile.
    “Damnit, Natalie!” Kentaro grabbed my hand and pulled it to his chest. His heart pounded against his warm, smooth skin. “You caused this.” He guided my hand down his chest, past his abs along the treasure trail of hair to his stiff erection. “You caused this.” He released my hand, but I kept it on his cock. I couldn’t help myself. It felt so good, like velvet. “I was about to give up, but Maya told me you were attracted to me.” My eyes opened wide in surprise. “Since you wouldn’t have anything to do with me at the office, I decided to catch you on the commute.” He grinned. “I had no intention of touching you. I only wanted to talk, but my god, you were so close and so tempting. I couldn’t help myself.” With a sheepish grin, he said, “I was so hot I… senzuri in my office.”
    I giggled and admitted, “ Manzuri in the lady’s room.”
    “No.” His jaw dropped in surprise.
    “Yes.” I continued to stroke his cock, slowly, deliberately.
    “God, I wish I’d known. I would’ve joined you.”
    I leaned forward, licked his ear, and whispered, “We’re together now.”
    He turned his face toward me and our lips met. Electric. He dug his hand into my hair and kissed me so deeply he reached my soul. My nipples were so tight they ached. My pussy dripped. My palm flamed. I needed to feel his cock on my tongue.
    Kissing my way down the path Kentaro had taken my hand earlier, I knelt between his legs. He scooted closer to the edge of the sofa. I savored the feel of his cock in my hand—the warmth, the weight, the girth, the smoothness. My palm tingled, but my tongue buzzed with anticipation. Even though my mouth watered and begged to be filled, I took my time, teasing and torturing myself as much as him. Up and down. Slowly gliding my hand down from the tip to the base. Up and down.
    I kissed his inner thigh, making him shake and widen his legs. I ran my tongue up his thigh and down the other, avoiding his luscious balls and cock. Slowly, I licked my way up one thigh and down the other. Just when he got comfortable with my rhythm, I playfully bit his thigh, millimeters from his scrotum. Before he could recover from the surprise bite, I licked his balls. One, long, sensuous lick. As he gasped, I sucked both balls into my mouth, licked and twirled, and released him.
    “Oh god!” He groaned.
    I couldn’t wait any longer. I had to feel his cock. Had to have it throb on my tongue and tickle the back of my throat. Roughly, I pulled his cock toward me and without preamble, I consumed it. Every

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