To the Moon and Back

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Book: To the Moon and Back by Jill Mansell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jill Mansell
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    â€˜Hard at work, Ellie?’
    Shit, Michael was right behind her. Damn those Hush Puppies of his, enabling him to creep silently around the offices.
    â€˜Sorry.’ Hurriedly she clicked the email off the screen, although he’d probably already read it.
    â€˜You know what company policy is where personal emails are concerned.’ Michael had an irritating habit of sucking air in through his lower teeth when he was being ‘the boss.’ Ellie squirmed as he did it now, then squirmed again in response to his hand on her shoulder. ‘But under the circumstances, I’ll let you off. Todd,’ he said. ‘That’s Jamie’s friend, am I right?’
    She nodded, bracing herself for the inevitable squeeze. Michael probably thought he was being sensitive and sympathetic but his touchy-feelyness, quite frankly, gave her the creeps. Amongst all the hideous aspects of being a widow, submitting to unwanted hugs was one of the worst. Michael felt compelled to comfort her, and it would be churlish and mean to complain about it. Poor chap, he meant well. What was she going to do, accuse him of sexual harassment? ‘So, how about a couple of extra hours tonight?’ Squeeze.
    Plus, he didn’t miss a trick.
    â€˜Um, the thing is, I’m supposed to be… doing something…’ Oh, it was no good; she was rubbish at lying under pressure. Caving in, Ellie said, ‘Well, OK, I’ll do an hour.’
    Michael did the air-sucking thing. ‘We really need to catch up. Make it two and I’ll give you a lift home.’
    She hesitated and glanced out of the window. The rain had been hammering down all day. There were engineering works on the Northern Line. And waiting at the bus stop would wreck her pink suede shoes. ‘OK, deal.’
    Michael beamed. ‘You’re a great girl.’ Squeeeeeeeze .
    The moment he’d left the office, Ellie clicked back on to her emails. Come on, get it over with, then she could put it out of her head.
    Hi Todd,
    I’m glad you’re well. Hope your trip back home goes OK. I’m doing all right. As well as can be expected, I suppose. Keeping very busy. Doing lots of overtime at the moment so not many evenings free. Maybe we could meet up when things are less hectic.
    She pressed Send. There, done. When Todd received her brittle, stilted reply, he’d know she wasn’t ready to see him yet.
    Todd wasn’t stupid; he wouldn’t hate her for it. He’d understand.

Chapter 8
    At eight thirty, Michael pulled up outside the flat in Nevis Street. The rain, battering down on the roof of the Honda Civic, sounded like a never-ending drum roll. There wasn’t another soul in sight. Everyone else had too much sense to venture out in such a downpour.
    The lift home was welcome, the conversation less so. As they’d made their way across the city, cocooned inside the lovingly valeted car that was his pride and joy, Michael had opened up and talked at length about his loneliness. Quite movingly, in fact. Since the breakup of his marriage he had had to watch his ex-wife move on, remarry, and give birth to twin girls. In contrast, his own confidence had nose-dived and his one and only attempt at socializing had resulted in a slow dance at a club on a friend’s stag night with a girl who had turned out to be a boy. ‘See, nobody else knows how I feel.’ His face was pale and earnest under the glare of the street light. ‘Except you, Ellie. We’re in the same boat, you and me. You understand what it’s like.’
    Ellie unfastened her seat belt. She was fairly sure she hadn’t slow danced with a boy who was really a girl. ‘I know, but things’ll get better. You’ll meet someone else. Anyway, thanks for the lift—’
    â€˜Don’t go!’ Michael’s arm shot out and he seized her hand. ‘Ellie, you’re on your own. So am I.’ Eugh,

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