To Steal a Prince
leave his side. His body is taut next to mine, and I want to stay here as long as I can, basking in his presence. But I’ve already caused him enough trouble.
    “I’m not really up for any more adventures tonight.”
    “A leisurely stroll isn’t much of an adventure.” His pained expression melts my resolve. I thought I was the con artist. How can he bend my will so easily?
    “Fine,” I tell him. “A short walk. No cars or bodyguards involved.”
    His face brightens instantly. “I know just the place.” Beckoning me to follow, Damon walks onto the balcony. He leads me down a short spiral staircase, then onto a lit pathway. Judging by the high walls all around, we’re in the palace’s vast courtyard. The path branches many times, leading to courtyards within courtyards. We pass hedges, statues, fountains.
    I’m glad Damon knows where he’s going, because the path becomes a maze. My feet are getting sore. We head toward the center of the courtyard. I hope we won’t go much farther. I’m not sure I could find my way back.
    “Here we are,” Damon whispers.
    Somehow, quiet words seem appropriate. This feels like a hushed place. Fireflies wink in and out of the dusk, lighting a sea of roses. Their scent washes over me, powerful and pure. It feels strong enough to wrap me up and bear me away.
    I pull one of the flowers toward me. Its plush petals glow white under the moon. The rose is heavy in my hand, and I wonder how the stem is strong enough to hold it up. Its beauty is more bewitching than any work of art. I’ve stolen enough to know.
    “Do you want it?” Damon asks.
    Letting the flower go, I shake my head.
    “Why not?”
    “I don’t know. Cutting one of these would just be wrong somehow.”
    Damon holds out his arm, and I thread mine through his. Silently, we walk down the gravel path that spirals through the rose garden. I like it here. It’s peaceful and picturesque. I feel like no one can disturb us here in the garden’s heart, not with all the thorns protecting us.
    The prince looks at me. “Do you like it?”
    “I love it.”
    His smile is bittersweet. “It was my mother’s. She was always the one to tend it. Now no one’s allowed to step inside or touch the blooms, save the gardeners. And me.”
    I stop beside a bush of lilac-colored roses. “I’m confused. I thought I met your mother at dinner tonight.”
    Damon shakes his head. “That’s my stepmother. She insists on me calling her that for appearance’s sake. Marc is my half-brother, though you’d think he was heir to the throne the way Sarina carries on.” He waves a hand through the rose-scented air. “No matter. They’re not even here, I won’t let them bother us.”
    A firefly lands on his shoulder, blinking in the darkness.
    “Does your father ever come here?”
    “Not anymore. It’s too painful. Too many memories.”
    “I’m sorry about your mom,” I say softly.
    “Thank you. I wasn’t ready to lose her.” He exhales. “She wouldn’t want me to still be moping about. And she would be very upset to know that I was carrying on about her instead of paying attention to my lovely companion.”
    I take his hand in mine. “I don’t mind. Do you want to tell me more about her?”
    “She had the prettiest laugh. And told the most terrible jokes.” He lets out a deep laugh.
    “Tell me one.”
    “Well… Do you respect me?”
    I nod.
    “I’ll tell you one when that’s worn off a little.”
    “Hey!” I cuff him on the shoulder.
    He wags a finger at me. “That’s better, but you’ve still got a long way to go.” Damon pins me to his side, presumably so I can’t hit him again. “I’ve spent too much time talking about my family. I really want to learn more about you. You said you’re from California. How did you find yourself on our shores?”
    I hate talking about myself, but under his gaze I find the details spilling out. “I spent three semesters at USC, but it didn’t really work out. Even though I

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