To Steal a Prince
glass of water.” She pushes it into my hand. The unexpected kindness only makes me cry harder.
    “Miss, please. People do worse things in this court than bow wrong. They do them every day. No one’s even going to remember this tomorrow.” She dabs my face with a handkerchief.
    “It’s not that.” I take the proffered handkerchief and blow my nose violently.
    “It’s not?”
    “No. That was fine. Ridiculous, but fine.”
    “What is it then?”
    I hold back a sob. “They don’t like me.”
    “Who? The king and all them?”
    I nod.
    “Of course they don’t. If they did, then you’d have a real problem.”
    This manages to make me smile.
    “Rest here awhile,” Eris says. “Things’ll be better in the morning. If you still think it’s important that they like you then, we’ll find someone who can teach you how to be snotty and stuffy.” She wheels her cart toward the door.
    “At least I looked nice through it all, thanks to you.”
    “No need to thank me, Lady. That’s what I’m here for.” She shuts the door firmly behind her.
    Lying back on the bed, I try to relax. It’s mostly useless. I’m not sure I could face Damon again after dinner tonight.
    There’s a knock on the door. Reluctantly, I get out of bed to answer.
    “Did you forget somethi—”
    Damon’s standing there. “No, but you forgot your dinner. I brought you some.” He holds out a covered tray.
    “I’m not really hungry right now.”
    Ignoring my protest, Damon strides across the room. He presses a panel in the wall, and it slides over to reveal a fridge and microwave. “I’ll leave it here just in case.” The panel slides back.
    “Thanks.” I’m not sure what else to say. I only hope that my face isn’t still puffy and red from crying. I can stand being vulnerable, but that doesn’t mean other people have to see it.
    Damon leans against the wall, looking uncertain. I know that look. He’s weighing his father’s words, and finding them to have merit. And they do, of course. He’s crazy to let someone like me stay here.
    I’m not keen on dragging this out. “I can leave tomorrow. Or tonight, if you want. I probably need to call a cab, though.”
    “We have our own drivers. And I don’t want you to leave at all.” He comes closer, until we almost touch. Damon starts to reach out, then clasps his hands behind his back. “One lousy dinner isn’t enough to drive you off, is it? Is the girl who stole my car really worried about what my father thinks of her?”
    I study the tile floor carefully. “To be fair, I feel worse about wrecking it than stealing it. What would the king think about that?”
    “Let me tell you a secret. My father rarely approves of anyone, myself included. You just gave him reason to disapprove more quickly than most.” He sets warm fingers under my chin, encouraging me to look at him. His eyes are warm too, but they don’t meet mine. Instead, they linger on my lips. Is he going to try to kiss me again? He leans in the slightest bit…
    “Is it still hurting?” He touches his own lip at the spot where mine is split. “I’m very sorry.”
    I rock back on my heels. I’m glad I didn’t meet his lips with mine. That would have been the perfect cherry on top of this embarrassment sundae.
    “I’ve had worse.” I try to pull myself together. “Besides, I did it to myself.”
    A slow smile spreads across his face. “Did you know that you look lovely this evening?”
    “Even with my lip?”
    “Especially with your lip. It adds character.” He takes my hand, raising it above my head. “Spin for me.”
    I can’t say no when his eyes gleam like that. Trying not to blush, I slowly turn on one heel.
    “Beautiful.” The prince pulls me back to him. “Your dress really brings out your eyes.”
    “Really?” I’ve had men catcall me before, but no one’s ever said anything about my eyes.
    He smiles. “Walk with me?”
    I hesitate. Damon’s presence is magnetic, and I don’t want to

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