To Protect An Heiress (Zebra Historical Romance)

Read Online To Protect An Heiress (Zebra Historical Romance) by Adrienne Basso - Free Book Online

Book: To Protect An Heiress (Zebra Historical Romance) by Adrienne Basso Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrienne Basso
appearance would make him the natural topic of whispers and speculations. And so it had. Yet by ingratiating himself within the group that thrived on it, he had managed to shift some of the attention away from himself.
    This select group might be a rude, stuffy, and possessing an inflated opinion of their importance, but there was not one among them, male or female, who possessed the courage to repeat any unsavory speculation about the marquess while he was standing in front of them.
    “The earl can be most tedious at times,” the woman at Trevor’s side remarked as she leaned into him. “But he does tell the most amusing tales.”
    She spoke in a flirtatious whisper that Trevor found oddly annoying. Though accustomed to female attention, this young matron surprised him with her boldness, for her husband stood directly across from them.
    For a brief second he debated walking away, but then realized he would just be forced to join another equally annoying group of individuals.
    He blew out a breath and wished he was holding a tall glass filled with whiskey. It was a humbling and not altogether pleasant realization to admit how much he felt the need for a drink. He had limited himself to a half bottle of wine with his dinner and had downed only one glass of whiskey since his arrival. Clearly that was not a sufficient amount of alcohol to sustain him through the evening.
    An elderly couple emerged from the crowd and strode toward him.
    “Dardington? Is that you?” the gentleman called out in amazement.
    Trevor smiled faintly in greeting. He recognized their faces, but could not for the life of him recall their names. Yet their timing could not have been more fortuitous. The flirtatious matron by his side whispered something vulgar under her breath and quickly took her leave.
    “Good evening,” he said pleasantly, presenting a polite bow to his rescuers.
    They chatted briefly, then left to greet other friends. Trevor felt a slight flush of embarrassment as they left, for he was still unable to recall precisely who they were.
    Yet he was pleased to finally be alone. Restlessly the marquess observed the preening young ladies, blustering men, and scheming mamas who stood amongst the crowd, and concluded once again what he really needed was a large glass of strong spirits to deaden his brain.
    Alas, that would not be possible until after he left the ball. Trevor was resolved to be on his best behavior this evening. He would ignore the smug smile that was certain to be on his father’s face when he greeted him, be charmingly polite to the woman the duke insisted he should meet, ask her to dance once and only once, and when that arduous duty was completed he would take his leave. Immediately.
    Thus he would fulfill his familial obligations and perhaps avoid his father’s censure for a few weeks. Or maybe even months.
    But where the devil was his father? He could hardly perform this act of generosity if the duke did not make an appearance soon. With the woman he hoped to marry off to his son.
    Frustrated, Trevor again glanced at the main staircase. He saw a tall, curvaceous woman dressed in blue avoid being announced by cleverly stepping behind the majordomo and gliding down the stairs. Her reason for anonymity intrigued him, yet her breathtaking beauty kept his eyes upon her as she attempted to melt into the crowd.
    Her pale lustrous skin glowed in the candlelight, her simple unadorned gown showcased full breasts and a lovely neck. She was taller than most of the women and many of the men in the room, so it took little effort to follow her progress, even though she kept to the edges of the ballroom.
    Something about her seemed oddly familiar, but at this distance Trevor could not be certain he knew her. She seemed more like a dream conjured up from his adolescence, an ethereal beauty who was the very picture of grace, elegance, and raw sensuality.
    “I heard a rumor you were here, but needed to see the proof of it with my own

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