To Catch a Billionaire

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Book: To Catch a Billionaire by Dana Stone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dana Stone
usual exuberance. “Try the dress and see if it fits the way you want it to.”
    Without a word, Erin scooted into the changing room, and admired the sexy look of the dress. She slipped high-heeled shoes on and clasped the necklace at the nape of her neck. After she’d adjusted the jewels that pointed into her cleavage, she stepped back and viewed her image with a smile.
    “Are you coming out or do you plan to admire yourself in the mirror all day, sweetie?” Giorgio scolded with a chuckle.
    She swept into his vision and watched his face. His eyes glittered like obsidian gems as he viewed her from all angles.
    “Splendid, absolutely splendid. It’s as though I designed this dress with you in mind, Erin. I didn’t, but it seems that way.” He clapped his hands with glee and told her to walk the walk.
    Her husky laughter joined his baritone laugh as she strode to and fro on an invisible runway.
    His laughter died, his eyes narrowed. Giorgio glanced at Erin. “You owe me big-time for this and my wish is that you’d model for me in two weeks. Hervé Velasquez is putting on a modest show for up-and-coming designers. He called yesterday and asked to add one of my creations to the list. I have to provide my own model, and while you’re a bit bodacious, you fit the bill. Will you do that for me, Erin, please?”
    His voice beseeched her to the point where she couldn’t refuse. “You know I dislike that sort of thing,” she said. When he opened his mouth, Erin raised a hand to stop him from speaking and wagged her index finger at him. “This one time, just this once, I’ll do it for you.”
    Wrapped in Giorgio’s bear hug, Erin’s laughter filled the room. The door opened and a heavily accented voice asked, “You aren’t going straight, are you darling?”
    In one second flat, Giorgio let Erin go and turned to the man he introduced as Jeremy. “I wouldn’t dream of leaving you, Jeremy. Erin’s going to wear the dress at the museum gala next week and she’s agreed to model for me in the Velasquez show. Isn’t that wild?” he asked excitedly.
    Jeremy gazed at Erin. His eyes took in every speck of her from head to toe. Waiting for his answer, Erin and Giorgio stood silent.
    “You do the dress an honor. It would be wonderful to see you do the runway walk. I’ll be there to cheer you both on, but I can’t make it to the museum party,” he said with a smile.
    This, from the man she’d seen Tristan with earlier. She was fairly sure it was him.
    Her gaze on him, Erin summed up the tall, handsome man. “I’m happy to meet you, Jeremy. I think we have a friend in common,” she said innocently.
    “Who would that be?” he asked.
    “Tristan Forsyth.”
    He shook his head. “I’m sure you’re mistaken. I know of no one by that name,” Jeremy said with his hands spread wide.
    Studying him closely, Erin murmured, “My mistake. I thought I saw you two the other day after I left Giorgio.”
    Giorgio glanced at Jeremy and then turned to Erin. “You couldn’t have seen Jeremy. He was here right after you left.”
    She nodded and then said, “You’re probably right. I’ll get changed.”
    “I wouldn’t miss this for party the world, Erin,” Giorgio said, his former humor restored.
    With a glance at Jeremy, she headed into the booth and slipped the luxurious creation off her body. The dress fit like a glove, showed off her attributes to their best advantage and exhilarated her in a way she hadn’t been in ages. While Erin hung the dress and readied it for travel, the two men’s voices reached her. Though muted and difficult to understand, there was one thing Erin did know, Giorgio was suspicious of Tristan Forsyth and Jeremy.
    She’d heard his voice rise and ebb like the tide. Each time it rose, Jeremy shushed him. Why? What was the big secret? Was Jeremy taking advantage of Giorgio? The thought saddened her. Giorgio was her long-time, good friend. He was generous, thoughtful and loving. The idea of him

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