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Book: Tinderella by Jecca Bartlett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jecca Bartlett
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was Gooch. Of course it was.

    "Hey sleepyhead," she said as she approached the bed. "You're going to be okay, but it's going to take a few days. You've inhaled a lot of smoke, your lungs are irritated, and you need some rest."

    "But my stuff--"  

    "We'll talk about it in the morning."

    "What time is it?"

    "It's about 5 am."

    "It is morning then," she said, even though it hurt to talk.

    "Yes, but let's wait until the Dr. comes in again."

    "Just, is...is everything gone?"

    Gooch sighed and shook her head, "Yes, most everything is useless, smoke damage, some water, not fire. The building is standing and you'll be able to move back in if you want to. But you're fine, and we'll get through this."

    She couldn't even think about all she might have lost, from the most important things like photographs, to the least important but necessary like a laptop and her cell phone.

    "Gooch, I have to get out of here. I don't have money, I barely have insurance, and if I don't work, I don't get paid."

    "I know, sweetie. But you can't work if you're coughing your lungs out. Hang on, we'll see what the Dr says, and we'll get through this. We will," Gooch said as she took her hand.

    She remembered thinking that it must have been the drugs, as her eyelids felt heavy again and she drifted off to sleep.

    When she woke up again it was hours later, Gooch was still there, and the Dr was as well.

    "Good morning young lady, it's good to see you awake. How are you feeling?" He turned to Gooch, "Could you excuse us please?"

    As Gooch turned to go, Cyndi stopped her, "No, Dr, please let her stay. She's family, and I want her to hear whatever you have to say, I'm afraid I won't remember."

    "Okay, well then," he went on to review her vitals and tell her how lucky she was.  

    "When can I go hom...uh, get out?"

    "I think one more night here will be sufficient, and tomorrow we can spring you. But you'll have to take it easy, do you understand that?"

    Cyndi nodded yes, but her mind was racing. She was missing appointments while she was here, she had to begin to replace some clothing, she might need a computer and a phone, the whole idea was terrifying. She was starting from nothing. Again.

    Gooch took one look at her crestfallen face and held up her hand. "Stop right there, you're worrying, I can see it. I can feel it. There's no sense in that. We'll get through this, we will, together, I've got you. You've got you. There's insurance right? A renters policy?"

    Cyndi nodded yes.

    "Well then, we'll get that underway tomorrow. You can stay with me for the time being. Good thing I have that fancy dress of yours, you'll have something to wear home!"

    Cyndi looked at her, eyes wide, "Oh my gosh, I don't even have clothes to wear home, and her eyes filled with tears again."

    "You're set, don't worry, I've got it all figured out. Let's, um do something...I know, I think you can still get to the nursery window in this joint, without having to get past the TSA. Let's go see if we can look at babies. Come on, get in the wheel chair, let's go."

    Cyndi loved looking at the babies, and afterwards Gooch wheeled her to the cafeteria.

    "I know you're worried, you have every right to be, but it's not getting you anywhere, so stop. Tomorrow I'll come to see you and I'll bring paper and colored pencils and we'll make a plan to get things right again. Understand?"

    Cyndi could only nod, how lucky was she to have Gooch on her side?

    "Good, so stop thinking about it tonight. They sell fresh milkshakes here, want one? I do. I want a strawberry one, you?"

    "Chocolate," Cyndi managed to whisper past the lump in her throat, "and thanks."

    "No problem, sisters under the skin and all that crap. Be right back."


    The next day Gooch returned and they set about itemizing all she had lost, and the bare minimum she'd need to start.

    There was a knock on the door, and Gooch opened it to reveal Bailey from the thrift shop.

    "Hey girlfriend, I hear your weenie

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