Till Death Do Us Part : Sad Love Story

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Book: Till Death Do Us Part : Sad Love Story by Lily John Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lily John
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the beginning
    I used to work in this really crappy fast food restaurant as a waiter. The hygiene in that place was immaculate. The manager made sure we scrubbed our hands, wore rubber gloves and tied our hair up and put a cap on before we cooked or delivered anything. He was a control-freak, undiagnosed OCD asshole whom everyone hated. His name was Fred and he had a wife who wa s– not surprisingly- just like him.
    The day I applied for the job was n’ t a good day for me. My girlfriend had left me, my phone died, my bathroom drain was blocked, the plumber was n’ t picking up his phone, and I was almost broke.
    So I’ d gone out, and passed this sign sayin g‘ Waiters Needed- Hefty Salar y’ stuck on a window. The restaurant to which the window belonged looked good enough so I entered. I went in, and met Fred. I hated him at first sight, and vice versa. But I needed money and he had it, and he needed waiters, and I was willing, so it was a win-win if he hired me. So he did.
    Alyssa was this girl who came to the restaurant every Saturday with her dog. She was n’ t all that pretty, though she had tan skin, green almond eyes and gorgeous hair. It was maybe because she never wore makeup. Every Saturday I would wait for her to come, and when she did, I’ d run up to her and as k‘ The usual ?’ and she would nod and smile.
    Okay, maybe I had this little crush on her.
    So, one day, I was serving an old couple, when a tap on my shoulder made me turn around and face Alyssa. She told me something that changed my life forever.
    “ Will you marry me, Phillip Sawyer ? ”
    I stared at her, my mind blank. A thousand questions swam around, but I just stared at her .“ What ? ”
    “ I asked you whether you would marry me . ”
    “ Why ? ”
    “ Because I’ ve been- actually, how about we talk over a cuppa ? ”
    “ I do n’ t know; I’ m workin g … ” But actually, in my mind, I was doing a little cheer routine. Any reason to ditch work was welcome, no matter how bizarre. So we walked over to the ca fé next door and sat down in the last table.
    I was about to start talking, when she raised a palm and stopped me .“ Hear me out . ”
    “ My name is Alyssa Davis. I am twenty one years old and I have a younger sister named Aurora. She is married and is three months pregnant. I hate animals, but love plants of all kinds. I am fascinated by microorganisms, and have studied microbiology in college. I am currently working as a researcher in the same field, and I’ m also a dance teacher.
    ‘ But that is unnecessary. Three days ago, I was diagnosed with cancer. It does n’ t matter what type, but I can assure you, it has nothing to do with my sex organs, and I can have babies just as usual. I have about a month and a half to live. The doctors told me that if I wanted to, I could end my life right now, quickly and painlessly, or I could live the one and a half months and die painfully. I chose the one and a half months, so I could die happy. To die happy, I have to finish all the goals I’ ve set for myself. One of them is getting married to someone I love. I’ ve been observing you for the past few months, and I’ ve fallen for you, Phillip, hard. I never knew love, and what it feels like, and I still do n’ t, but this crush, i t’ s good enough for me. I want to feel everything, Phillip. I’ ve never had sex; I’ ve been saving myself for marriage. I want to go to the Arctic, to Sahara. I want to live. So, I ask you, Phillip. Will you marry me ? ”
    I could only stare.
    “ Excuse me ? ”
“ I know, its short notice, and you probably have priorities, like a girlfriend, or even a wife. I do n’ t know what I was thinking. Can we pretend this never happened? I’ ll leave now. Okay, bye . ”
    She stood up, and gathered her handbag .“ Wait !” I cried. I felt something like courage rise in me and form a lump in my chest .“ I love you, Alyssa Davis. Will you marry me ?” Alyssa turned

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