Tigress (Night Hawk Series)

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Book: Tigress (Night Hawk Series) by J.E. Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.E. Taylor
been different, rebelling in heaven long before he was cast out.” He shivered and brought the mural together around his shoulders. “Gabriel was the musician and much more sensitive than either of us were. He used to disappear for months on end, and finally, when he had made the decision to be with your mother, he came back to share the news. As I said before, by that time, our brother was no longer welcome in heaven and had already turned bitter, so I suggested Gabriel keep his decision to himself for now and I wouldn’t say anything either.”
    “You mean, keep me a secret?”
    Michael nodded. “I didn’t know just how important that decision was until after my brother killed my son.” He paused and blew on his hands to warm them. “I should have known Greece wasn’t far enough away from his wrath, but I knew you were there and because of the family bond, you would be compelled to protect Athena.”
    “I still can’t get past the fact that she was my cousin and you never said a word. You just gave us your blessing and let us live as man and wife,” I said, finally voicing my distain.
    “Things were very different back then and yes, I allowed it because it was my best option of protecting my daughter.”
    “But I failed,” I said and he met my gaze with a shake of his head.
    “No, you didn’t. I was the one who failed both of you. I didn’t make it back in time to stop my brother from slaughtering Athena, but I did get there in time to pull you from that pit before you were too far gone to survive. I let you drink from my veins and the double infusion of angel blood made you into what you are instead of a raving mad killing machine.”
    I stared at him for a long time before my gaze dropped to the computer.
    “Is that why Naomi turned out the way she did?”
    “I don’t know. She’s so far removed from Zoe that I can’t be sure. It could be a combination of my bloodline along with her Indian heritage, which has its own unique qualities that are just as rich as my bloodline. Or it could be a wild fluke, but she’s just as unique as you are.” He offered a shrug. “It could also be because she bit me as well.”
    “You know , she was stronger than I’ve ever been,” I said.
    Michael smiled at me. “She’s a descendant of multiple warrior bloodlines. You, on the other hand, are a musician’s son.”
    “Fuck you,” I said at the condescending tone in his voice.
    “Considering your bloodline, you aren’t as lame at fighting as I expected,” he said and rubbed his shoulder, offering up a grin.
    “I’m a mixed breed, what’d you expect,” I sent back, opting for humor instead of letting the aggravation eat away at me. Besides, my head was starting to throb and my arm was itching up a storm. I shifted and forced myself not to scratch my mending arm. I knew from experience, once I started, I’d only succeed in the tearing welts in my skin. “So do I start calling you Uncle Mike?” I asked and sent a tired grin in his direction.
    He just laughed and wrapped the mural tighter around his shoulders. “This truce doesn’t mean you have free rein to kill innocents though.”
    The beginnings of good humor vanished and I sent a glare in his direction. “I know.”
    With the irritation already forming over me, I reached for the computer and opened the email , sucking wind through my teeth at the words spilling over the page. Lucifer’s plans were far worse than I ever imagined and I turned the computer toward Michael, sliding it along the mattress until he took it from me.
    Michael’s expression morphed into guarded fury and he glanced up at me.
    “This cannot happen,” he said and slid the computer back to me. There was no leeway in his statement and absolutely no argument from me.

Chapter Twelve
    The deceleration of the van along with the sharp turn gave me a clue that Naomi was pulling off the highway. A few minutes later, the cut of the engine confirmed it and I closed my laptop and

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