Ticket to Curlew

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Book: Ticket to Curlew by Celia Lottridge Read Free Book Online
Authors: Celia Lottridge
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painted yet and it looked more lonesome because there was nothing around it. The Jericho schoolhouse had had some small trees in the schoolyard and a shed for the horses. Mr. Pratt had promised the Curlew school would have a shed before the snow came. In the meantime the horses would have to graze in the fenced schoolyard.
    Sam knew exactly what the inside of the schoolhouse would be like. First there would be a cloakroom with hooks for coats — girls on one side, boys on the other. In the big room would be rows of desks with the heating stove and the teacher’s desk at the front. As one of the older pupils, he would sit farthest away from the stove.
    Nobody knew much about the teacher. Mrs. Pratt said she was from Edmonton and was properly trained. She would be boarding with a family in town. But would she be a stern teacher who used the strap on unruly pupils? Sam wondered about that.
    When the Ferriers arrived at the school they saw that there were extra people there for the opening ceremonies. The children were standing in a little group near the steps, but there were several big horses tied to the fence and even two buggies. It was Mr. Pratt who came to the door to call the pupils in.
    The school was exactly as Sam had imagined it, but there were grownups standing at the back of the room. The whole school board was there and a few other citizens from the town. Mr. Pratt gave a little speech about what a proud day this was for Curlew and how it meant that Curlew was becoming a town to be reckoned with. He introduced the teacher, Miss Barnett. She looked like a medium person — medium sized, medium aged and neither stern nor smiling. After the speech Mrs. Pratt handed out gingersnaps and oranges to one and all.
    After the townspeople were gone, Miss Barnett called the roll and asked each pupil what reader they were in. As Sam had expected, he was the only one in the fifth reader. All the others were Josie and Matt’s age.
    Miss Barnett looked more lively now. She even looked younger. It occurred to Sam that maybe she didn’t like crowds of strangers any more than he did.
    She looked straight at Sam now and said, “I’ll be counting on you to help with the fires and the horses. I’m afraid I don’t know much about horses, and the younger children will need help at the end of the day.”
    So when school let out, Sam found himself helping a girl and her brother hitch up their little buggy to their stout brown pony. When he was finished he turned to Matt and Josie.
    â€œNow we can go home,” he said.
    â€œNo, we can’t,” said Josie. “Prince won’t come.”
    Sam looked across the schoolyard. Prince was standing by the far fence calmly eating grass, but as Sam approached he sidled away just fast enough that Sam couldn’t grab his bridle. When Sam moved faster, so did Prince, until he was dancing backwards away from Sam. Sam was sure his horse’s black eyes were laughing at him.
    Josie was laughing, too, but Matt looked a little worried. “How are we going to catch him, Sam?” he asked.
    â€œHe’s just bored with waiting all day. He’ll give it up soon.” Sam hoped he was right. It would be awful if they were late getting home because he couldn’t catch Prince.
    Just then Miss Barnett came to the schoolhouse door. She was smiling.
    â€œMaybe these will lure him,” she said and handed Sam three gingersnaps.
    â€œThank you, ma’am,” said Sam. “Maybe you do know something about horses.” He held the cookies out and began talking to Prince. “Come on, you old rascal. You’re just having fun with us. Don’t you want to get out of this yard?”
    Prince stopped backing up and began to edge forward.
    â€œHere, Josie, you hold out these cookies,” said Sam. He waited until Prince was almost within arm’s reach. Then he stepped forward and caught the bridle. Prince paid no

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