TICK TOCK RUN (Romantic Mystery Suspense)

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Book: TICK TOCK RUN (Romantic Mystery Suspense) by H Elliston Read Free Book Online
Authors: H Elliston
my car keys and drove to Laura’s.  After turning onto her driveway, I cut the engine but remained in my seat.  While looking in the mirror to tidy my hair, I wondered what I would say.  Do I really want to drag Laura into this mess when I don’t even know what it’s about?   It would certainly slap a huge dampener on her wedding week.  Helping her to start afresh had been the only thing I cared about all year.  Her wedding day was supposed to put us both on a new road to happiness, a golden one.
    A dim light filtered through Laura’s lounge curtains.  I dragged myself out of my car and knocked on the front door, intent on keeping my mouth shut about the mess I was in.  I planned to drive back home at first light, check my emails, then contact the police.  If I phoned them now, I’d have to tell Laura what was going on. 
    A few seconds later, the door opened.
    “Glad you came back.”  Laura grinned then hugged me in the doorway.  “You’re shaking.  Come in and warm up.”
    A familiar female voice drifted from the lounge.  “Who is it, Laura?”
    I walked through, stepped onto the plush cream carpet and forced myself to find a smile for Emma. 
    “Are you okay?”  Emma placed her glass of bubbly on the coffee table and studied my face.  “You look a bit troubled, and well... rough!”
    “I’m fine.  I dozed off.  Just woken up.”  I patted and smoothed my hair, wondering for how long I’d need to smile to convince her I was okay.  “I don’t look that bad, do I?”
    “I’ll get you a drink.”  Laura left the room. 
    “And a hairbrush,” Emma joked.  “I meant to phone you earlier, Chelsea.  How did your date go yesterday?”
    “Not the best.”
    “Aw.  Too bad.  Laura said you’ve been to see someone tonight.  Another date?”
    I shook my head.
    “And have you had another one of those virus-thingy emails?”  Emma plucked a hunk of lint off her shrug.
    “No,” I lied.  She was bound to glance up at me, so I concentrated on acting and looking all innocent in case she did.  
    “Glad to hear it.  I said it was nothing to worry about.”  She sipped her drink and I tried not to sigh in relief that she’d believed me. 
    Laura returned with a glass of bubbly and a brilliant smile, but no hairbrush.  “Worry about what?”
    “That email,” Emma said.
    Laura handed me a glass.  “Oh, that.” 
    I faked a smile.  I didn’t relish dealing with things on my own, but bringing my friends into the loop could put them at risk, too.  I couldn’t bear that.  Not my closest friends.  This left me with no choice other than to take a step back.
    “Put some music on and let’s dance,” I shouted, ditching my ponderous mood.
    Laura’s face lit up at my new, spirited attitude.  She nodded before fiddling with the remote.  Dance music blasted from the corner speakers. 
    While ideas and excuses buzzed around my brain, I downed my drink, leapt from the sofa and danced as though it were my last chance for fun. 
    When the CD finished, the three of us crashed side by side onto the sofa, laughing, then I took a breath and told them that I’d be off radar for a few days.  Helping my parents out. 
    Laura’s smile dropped.
    Emma  rubbed her hands together then pointed at me.  “Parents my ass!  I know that sneaky little look.  You’ve bagged yourself a new man!  That’s who you were with tonight.”
    I paused, noting the obvious delight in Emma’s expression.  She didn’t know it, but she’d just gifted me with the perfect explanation. 
    “Spot on,” I told them, nodding theatrically.  “Can’t keep my hands off him.  Can’t hide anything from you, Emma, can I?  So, promise me you’ll not worry and keep everything on track for the wedding.  Please.  It’s important to me.”  I stared with new confidence until they nodded, looking mainly at Laura. 
    “This has all happened very fast,” Laura said.
    The beep of a car horn travelled in from

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