Through Gypsy Eyes

Read Online Through Gypsy Eyes by Killarney Sheffield - Free Book Online

Book: Through Gypsy Eyes by Killarney Sheffield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Killarney Sheffield
Tags: Romance, Historical
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the earl’s tone.
    “A guide pony?” the gentleman to her right, whom she assumed was Lord Deerfoot, inquired. “I have never heard of such a thing.”
    “Neither had I. However, he is the most remarkable little creature. He escorts Miss Daysland safely all over the estate and wears a cleverly constructed harness for her to hold on to. Right, Miss Daysland?”
    Checkmate, my lord. Well played. Perhaps this game will not be as easily won.
Delilah resisted the urge to scratch the earl’s eyes out for once again insisting she be the center of attention and pasted a bright smile to her lips. Left with no other choice, she launched into an explanation of Jester and his talents. At least she could speak on a topic she knew something about and was comfortable with.
    • • •
    When the meal was over she rose with the intention of excusing herself, but as if sensing her plans the earl tucked her hand in the crook of his arm. “Gentlemen, I hope you do not mind if I dismiss the usual port and cigars in the library in exchange for some musical entertainment tonight. Miss Daysland is an extremely accomplished piano player. I think we can cajole her into playing us a lively tune or two.”
    Stifling her groan she allowed him to escort her to the music room. Apparently the earl was not about to give up yet.
I will show his lordship how unaccepting my peers can be.
Settling in behind the piano she purposely hit the wrong keys and then smiled. “So sorry, gentlemen, it is most difficult to play when one is blind.” The earl cleared his throat in warning; she ignored him. Again she began the piece and played it in its entirety, sprinkling in as many off notes as she dared. When she finished an unenthusiastic smattering of applause was enough to tell her she won this round. “Thank you so much, gentlemen. I practice eight to ten hours a day, right, Lord Frost?” She almost giggled out loud at his huff of exasperation. Instead she affected a pretty pout and pivoted to face the men. “I am afraid I have little else to do, being blind, you see.” She could sense the earl’s stare and anger directed at her. Despite it she grinned.
You will think twice before you throw another dinner party in my honor.
    Her head began to pound in earnest and she rubbed her temples. “If you will excuse me gentlemen, I feel one of my many headaches coming on. I beg your leave to go lie down.” When the earl did not refuse her retreat she smothered a smile and made her way upstairs to her bedchamber.
Checkmate again, my lord.

Chapter Ten
    Tyrone leaned back in the chair, staring at the barren study hearth. Little by little the squire’s vast wealth was being siphoned off — how and by whom he did not know. It appeared worse less than the ledger led him to believe. With a snort he tossed the useless book back on the desk. How pathetic was a servant who professed to love and protect his blind mistress and then stole everything out from under her? It was lower than low in his opinion. He finished his drink and stood, crossing to the window to look out over the gardens.
    The moon rode high in the evening sky, its hazy glow promising another stifling night with little relief from the ever present sticky beads of perspiration. Patches of light fell here and there, leaving the shrubs and bushes in partial mystery. Something short and bulky moved from the bushes into the path of a stray moonbeam. The bulk took on the form of the pony, trotting with purpose toward the kitchen door. Did the creature sleep where the food was prepared?
Good Lord, I hope not.
    The pony paused as if he knew he was being watched before continuing on to the herb garden gate. A billowy figure materialized from the shadows. The pony and the figure melded into one, turning away from the manor.
    Who was about at this time of night? Tyrone glanced at the mantle clock, noting the hour was indeed well past one. Turning his attention back to the garden, he sought out the mysterious

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