Thin Ice 6 - Hangman & Socrates

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Book: Thin Ice 6 - Hangman & Socrates by KR BANKSTON Read Free Book Online
the money in her book bag. She wrote Matthew and Rose a short one page letter thanking them for all they’d done and how glad she was to have met them. Lauren assured them she would be fine and her leaving was no reflection on their treatment of her. What about Blue, her mind questioned yet again. Lauren decided it was best if she just left without seeing him. She didn’t want a scene and she didn’t want him to try and stop her. Now, where exactly are you going to go, Lauren’s pesky mind chirped. She really didn’t know anywhere except Chicago, but she wanted to get far, far, away from this place and her father’s reputation. Lauren decided she would pick a place later. First she had to complete her errand tomorrow, the rest would come easy.

    Lauren was careful not to act any differently when she went into the kitchen to help Rose put breakfast on the table.
    “ You feeling better this morning sweetie,” Rose asked kindly.
    Lauren smiled slightly telling her she was fine. Nodding her understanding Rose said nothing else as she finished the eggs and followed Lauren to the table. Matthew and Kenny were already seated.
    “ Good morning Princess,” he greeted Lauren warmly.
    She smiled slightly again and told him good morning, not looking up at him. Rose and Matthew exchanged looks knowing she was still embarrassed about last night.
    “ Lauren, it’s okay, we’re not still angry,” Matthew assured her as she finally looked at him, fear mingled with remorse in her eyes.
    “ It’s okay,” he told her once again, his heart aching for the horrible things he knew had befallen the young woman.
    “ We aren’t going to punish you,” Rose began as Kenny frowned deeply.
    This was not what he wanted to hear.
    “ But,” she began again and he returned his attention to the table. “Your boyfriend is going to have to come to the house and meet us,” she told Lauren.
    “ And he’ll have to have you home at a decent hour if you go out,” she added, growing quiet as Lauren meekly nodded but said nothing more.
    Satisfied they left her alone as everyone finished their meal and headed out of the door to various destinations. Rose was dropping Lauren and Kenny off at school before beginning her errands for the day. Lauren felt his eyes on her and turned to see him staring at her, the anger etched on his face. Smiling now she winked at him and turned away. She could feel his rage boiling inside him as he fought to control himself in front of Rose. Lauren wasn’t sweating Kenny. She had the six inch switchblade in her jacket pocket if he tried anything dumb. As they rode through Lauren took in the beautiful serenest of the early morning, as few cars passed them en route and the blistering cold of winter was still a little ways off, knowing today would be the last time she ever experience it here in the place she called home. “Have a good day Lauren,” Rose told her cheerfully finally arriving at the school. Lauren was thankful Kenny went to the public school almost four miles away. She would never be able to pull off her disappearing act with him around.
    “ I’m gonna walk Lauren inside, if that’s okay,” he told Rose feigning concern.
    Smiling at the gesture she told him that would be nice. Lauren’s eyes narrowed as she looked at him knowing he was plotting. As they walked up the sidewalk, he spoke; making sure his back was to Rose.
    “ You try sneaking out again and I’m going to make you sorry,” Kenny hissed, full of himself.
    Lauren chuckled before looking him directly in the eye.
    “ Do you know who the fuck I am Kenny,” she asked acidly causing him to flinch slightly.
    “ Yeah, you’re my damned woman and I’m tired of some other jerk fucking you,” he replied, gathering himself once again.
    Lauren sighed deeply. “Kenny go to school, stop trying to bully me, and definitely get your mind off my pussy, because you will never, ever, get up in me,” Lauren told him point blank.
    “ Not

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