Then & Now

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Book: Then & Now by Kimberly Lowe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Lowe
Unfortunately she didn’t get so lucky.  A shadowy figure tripped out in front her.  Stopping abruptly, Amelia gave herself a moment to swallow a scream.
    “Amelia?”  The figure slurred as he swiped his hand over his scruffy face.  “Is that you beautiful?”
    Blinking a few times, she gave the man a closer look.  “Nathan?  Nathan Cook, is that you?  I thought you got—”
    “ Fired !”  He scowled.
    “Yeah, that.”  She winced while she watched him take a long swig out of brandy bottle.  If she remembered correctly this was the reason behind his unemployment.  Showing up to work drunker than a sailor on weekend leave.
    Nathan pulled the bottle from his mouth little to quickly spilling a few drops of the smelly liquid down the front of him.  “I always liked you.  You know?  Thought that you were a real nice lady.  You don’t find nice ladies anymore.  Take my ex -wife.  The little whore….”
    That was her queue to try and sneak past him.  Act casual.  Maybe he will let you go.   She told herself as she put on her best smile.  “Well, Nathan thanks for the….complement.  But I really have to go.”
    Carefully she moved around him and headed straight for her car that was only a few steps away.  She could hear him grumbling something intangible.  Though she really didn’t concentrate on him, she was too worried about getting to her car.  That’s when she knew that had been her mistake.  Two loud blasts echoed wildly throughout the garage.
    Throwing her hands up to protect her ears from the earth-shaking noise, her brain franticly tried to make out what it was.  She still didn’t quite comprehend what was happening as her car quickly started to lean towards her.  Confused she looked at both tires.  A whole the size of a nickel was in each of her driver-side wheels.
    “What?” She shook her head.  How in the world did both of her tires blow?
    “Sorry, Amelia.”   Nathan garbled from behind her.  “I just want to be heard.”
    Turning to face him, Amelia nearly crumpled to the ground as her eyes trained on the 9mm handgun that was fisted tight in Nathan’s hand.  It didn’t take long at that point for her to figure it out.  He shot out her tires.  “Nathan?”
    “Shh, sweetheart.  This isn’t for you.”  Dropping his bottle he came closer.
    Out of reflex she jumped back away from the deadly weapon, and the man who held it.  Bumping up against her car she suddenly realized she had nowhere to run.  He had her trapped between him and the useless car.
    Running a brandy, smelling finger down the side of her face his eyes darkened slightly.  “You are beautiful.  Why don’t you show it off more?  I always wondered that.  Wondered what you would look like all dolled up.”
    She felt her stomach recoil.  Was she going to vomit? 
    “So beautiful…” He whispered while his hand wondered downward.  His other hand held the gun only inches from her face.
    Trying to hold back her whimpers, she scanned the lot.  Nothing, there was no one around.  He could do whatever he wanted and no one would hear.  “P-please….” She cried.
    “Oh, you don’t have to beg.”  Leaning closer, his lips skimmed her jaw.  “I’ll give you what you want.”
    She became all too aware of the unwanted hand cupping her breast.  If she kneed him hard enough in the crotch, and scratch at his eyes would she be able to get the gun away or would it just get her killed?  It was worth a shot.  He would not get her without a fight. 
    Doing just as she had planned she brought her knee up fast, colliding with her mark.  As he let out a cry of pain she dug her nails into his eyes.  She heard the gun go off sending a bullet flying somewhere behind her.  Without a second thought she went for the loaded weapon in the inebriated man’s hand.
    Alas, he had a better hold than she had anticipated.  Taking her to the ground he straddled her waist and pinned her hands helplessly above

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