The Yeah, Baby Series

Read Online The Yeah, Baby Series by Fiona Davenport - Free Book Online

Book: The Yeah, Baby Series by Fiona Davenport Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fiona Davenport
Tags: alpha male romance, dirty talking hero, accidental pregnancy romance
at the moon while he practically dragged me to the truck. “There’s not going to be much of a night left to enjoy.”
    He helped me into the passenger seat, buckling my belt for me and then headed to his side of the truck and hopped in, turning the key and pulling out of the parking lot. “It’ll be more than enough since it’s the first night you’ll have my ring on your finger and my last name as your own.”
    “Rings,” I gasped, my eyes tearing up again when I realized how unprepared I was for a wedding. “And a dress. Flowers.”
    Wyatt stretched his arm out, lacing his fingers through mine and squeezing tightly. “I’ve already got the ring covered, baby. I’ve been carrying it around with me for weeks.”
    If he’d really bought a ring weeks ago, there was something I didn’t understand. “You never showed me a ring when you asked me to marry you.”
    “Would it have made a difference?”
    I thought about it for a moment. “Yeah, it might have.”
    “Well, now I know you want me for more than the diamond ring in my pocket.”
    I laughed lightly. “And I know you want me for more than the baby in my belly.”
    “It sounds like we have the biggest problem solved, then. How about you do a quick Internet search and find out which chapel is the best and make sure they offer dresses, tuxes, and flowers.”
    I looked him up and down, thinking of the sight of him in a tux standing at the end of the aisle waiting for me. We were less than an hour from the strip, and I could hardly wait to see if the reality was better than my imagination.
    Three hours later, I discovered my fantasies didn’t even come close. Wyatt stood next to the minister and I sped up my pace in my rush to get to him. As soon as I got close, he stepped forward and grasped my hands in his. “You look stunning.”
    I felt beautiful. The moment I’d seen the ivory lace wedding dress hanging in the racks of gowns available, I knew it was the one I had to wear. The wedding coordinator, who was now acting as our witness, had told me I’d picked one of the new dresses which had just arrived that afternoon. I’d be the first, and last, bride to wear it because Wyatt had told her to add it to his tab. Of course, I’d teased him about wanting it for when our baby girl got married someday.
    “You’re not too shabby yourself.”
    The ceremony passed by in a blur and before I knew it, we’d been declared man and wife. Before the minister was able to tell Wyatt he could kiss his bride, his lips were on mine. It was the gentlest kiss he’d given me but still filled with all the passion we felt for each other.
    “You’re officially mine, Mrs. Kincaid.”
    He went about showing me exactly how much I was his, all night long, before bundling me into the truck the next morning and letting me sleep for the rest of the drive home. Well, except for the following night in the hotel where I got very little sleep.

Chapter 10
    I almost couldn’t believe it when I woke up the morning after our wedding, and the next, and even more so the first one where we woke together in our house. I found myself immediately reaching for Bailey’s hand to make sure there was a ring on it. Now the world would know she was mine. Mrs. Kincaid. Damn, I loved the sound of that.
    Opening my eyes and realizing that we were finally home in our bed, I breathed a sigh of contentment before I noticed that Bailey wasn’t in my arms. It was surprising since she tended to sleep plastered to my body. Not that I was complaining.
    I sat up, looking around. “Baby?” I felt a stirring of panic, thinking maybe she changed her mind and ran. The sound of someone getting sick reached my ears at that moment, and I felt like an idiot for my momentary freakout. I jumped up and walked swiftly to the bathroom, finding Bailey on her knees over the toilet. Grabbing a cloth, I ran it under cool water and swiped it over her forehead before resting it on her neck. “Hey,” I murmured,

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