The World in Reverse

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Book: The World in Reverse by Latrivia Nelson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Latrivia Nelson
could look in Twist eyes and tell that he didn’t know anything about it, but the trick was getting him to help him despite their obv ious conflict.
    “Let’s say that it was my Molly that helped kill all those kids - and I’m definitely not saying that it was…,” Twist said in an even lower voice. “What the fuck do you want me to do about it?” His brow rose. He waited for a legitimate answer.
    “I could come in here with a warrant, thro wing folks around on pure accusation - and it’d be bad for business. Even some dealers might distance themselves from you on just principle-or you could help me by finding out which one of your guys is selling to a guy that fits the profile I’m looking for.”
    “So you guys do have a description on this guy?” Twist asked. That was news.
    “No,” Nicola huffed in frustration. “The FBI lent us one of their profilers. We have an idea based upon the kills of what the guy at least executing some of the kids must behave like, maybe even look like.”
    “I’ve seen that on one of those cop shows. A profiler. Yeah. Okay. Then what?” Twist asked intrigued. He had never spoken with a cop about an investigation that didn’t concern him directly. It was refreshing in a way to not be the target of an investigation.
    “All I want is your dealer to point me in the right direction so that I can stop this guy, these guys…” Nicola didn’t think that he was asking a lot considering.
    “So now there is more than one?” Now he was confused.
    “That’s why I’m here. I think it’s all connected to a ring, but I can’t be sure until I get one successful lead.” Nicola let Twist fill in the blanks.
    “And you won’t go after my guy?”
    “I purposefully did not leak the contents of the children’s tox reports to the media so that I could come to you. You’re the only one in the fucking region selling Molly. You won’t let anyone else into the market. All roads lead to you. So, I figure, you should be the one to help.” Nicola’s eyes became greedy. He had explained too much. He wanted answers now.
    “In exchange for what?” Twist continued. “Shit, I’ve got my own problem at the moment. I’ve got Rick Amherst trying to take over my entire operation. “There was an urgency in his voice that didn’t quite fit the normally cool Twist.
    “A get out of jail free card,” Nicola said with coolness in his brown eyes.
    Twist turned his lips up. “My lawyers cost me $750 an hour. I’ve got a get-out-of-jail - free card on any day.” He popped another bubble with his gum at the tip of his tongue and looked at Nicola to sweeten the deal.
    “I’ve got an inside tip on a shipment coming in, Twist. It’s good Intel. Now, you know that I never turn my back….ever, but I will this time. Even though I’ve got a hard on for this case with regarding you, I’ll not only let the shi pment come in but I’ll turn my back on the pickup crew and the drop off. Now, I know you get shipments in weekly and I’ve recently learned where about 70 percent come in. I know that you can’t afford to change everything right now. I know you can’t afford to re-staff and you sure as hell can’t afford to change your MO. So, work with me and I’ll work with you. Trust me when I say, my Intel is good and I would have enough to lock you up on it, but at the moment these kids are more important than your drugs.”
    Twist sucked in a dramatic breath and put his hands on his cheeks. “What to do? What to do? First you come in here with a favor and then it turns more into a rape,” he said, taking a crystal tumbler stacked up on the side of the bar and turning it over. He poured himself a hefty helping of Gentleman’s Jack and knocked it back. Slamming the glass on the bar, he smacked his lips. “Damn, that hit the spot. I gotta tell you, Agosto, you have the worst timing in the world.”
    “It’s my collar, Twist. You give me something. I give you something. We both win.” Nicola

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