The Witch of Stonecliff

Read Online The Witch of Stonecliff by Dawn Brown - Free Book Online

Book: The Witch of Stonecliff by Dawn Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Brown
Held. Kissed. She craved the contact.
    Her eyes fluttered closed and she angled her head to give those firm lips drawing on hers better access. Kyle immediately took advantage, pressing closer until the edge of the counter bit into her back, but she barely noticed. Her senses were filled with him. His rich, spicy scent. His smooth fingers tracing the column of her throat, sending a delicious shiver over her skin.
    His teeth nipped at her lips. She opened her mouth, let his tongue sweep inside. God, he tasted so good. Her head swam. The muscles in her legs softened. She curled her fingers into his solid shoulders to both keep herself from sinking to the floor as much as to draw him closer. His hard, lean body pressed flush with hers. The bulge straining against his pants pushed into her belly.
    “Shit.” Kyle tore his mouth away from her with a gasp so soft she wasn’t sure she’d heard it at all. She wanted to scream, to grab his head and force his lips back to hers. Instead, she bit back the whimper swelling in her throat.
    Get a hold of yourself
    With Kyle’s head bent so invisible stubble scraped her cheek, his ragged breath tickling the skin just behind her ear, she couldn’t see his face to read his expression. Maybe that was a good thing. He couldn’t see her face either, and she needed a moment to pull herself together.
    She released his shoulders, trailed the flats of both hands down his chest with the intention of pushing him away. Instead, she hesitated, relishing the sensation of his muscles bunching beneath her touch.
    Kyle lifted his head and looked down at her, eyes bright and intent. A deep frown etched his features. Her face flushed and she let her arms fall to her sides.
    “What are you doing to me?” He cupped her cheek with one hand, traced the edge of her bottom lip with his thumb.
    “I could ask you the same thing,” she whispered.
    He eased back, a faint smile pulling at his mouth that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “It’s getting late. I should go.”
    She nodded, a chill creeping through her. Whether it was from the absence of his body heat or his unreadable expression, she didn’t know. “I’ll walk you out.”
    She led him to the foyer and stopped before the door. A war waged inside of her. Part of her wanted him gone as far from her as possible, while another part of her wanted to drag Kyle against her and finish what they’d started.
    He reached out and brushed her hair back from her face, fingertips leaving thin trails of heat on her skin. Her belly tightened.
    “I’d like to see you again tomorrow,” he said. “I have some things to do in the morning, but maybe I could make you dinner tomorrow night.”
    A thrill shot through her, but she squashed the sensation before it took root. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
    “Was I out of line back there?” Concern tightened his features.
    If he was, then so was she. She shook her head. “That’s not it.”
    He grinned. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then. Around seven?”
    “No,” she said, quickly. “You should have as little to do with me as possible.”
    He let out a long sigh. “I thought you realized I don’t believe all that nonsense about you.”
    Eleri did her best to ignore the warmth his words lit in her chest. “Whether you believe it or not, there were twelve bodies pulled out of The Devil’s Eye.”
    She didn’t want Kyle to wind up the same way.
    He reached out and gave her hair a gentle tug. “I owe you dinner. Now, you can meet me at the lodge at seven, or I’ll turn up here with dinner. Maybe you’d prefer that, though. Give Mr. Warlow another shot at grilling me.”
    Her mouth twitched in spite of herself. Apparently he wasn’t going to accept no for an answer. Maybe dinner wasn’t a bad idea. After all, visiting him in the evening would at least give her the peace of mind of seeing he was still alive.
    “All right,” she relented. “I’ll be at the lodge for seven.”
    “Good.” He

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