magic carpet and as he whizzed madly round Arthur, he somehow knew that another adventure was on the way.
11. Shocking News
Had Neil been listening to Hamish and Archie’s conversation, he would have been even more convinced that another adventure was in the offing, for Archie was telling Sir James and the Ranger of the strange meeting between Prince Kalman and the Frenchman.
“I think your French count must be Louis de Charillon,” Sir James said, thoughtfully. “I’ve met him once or twice, as it happens. In fact, I’ll be seeing him in a few days time. The Scottish Parliament is hosting a grouse shoot for diplomats at the weekend and I noticed his name on the list. De Charillon is the French Consul.”
“Yes, we gathered that,” nodded Hamish. “We followed him back to Randolph Crescent and saw the French flag hanging over his door. The police had to escort him in, you know, for there were crowds of fishermen protesting outside. That Trade Union fellow, Jimmie Leadbetter, was the leader and the language he was using was something terrible.”
“I’m not surprised,” said Sir James grimly. “Feelings are running high at the moment. But you said you were watching a house … in Moray Place, did you say?”
“Yes,” Hamish smiled, “as pigeons, of course!”
“Actually, I know someone who lives there … but go on …”
“We knew it had to be Kalman,” Hamish said seriously. “If he hadn’t put a protective shield round his house we might never have noticed, but it warned us that something was going on. So we kept watch and that’s how we picked up on the French Consul fellow.”
“The strangest thing of all,” interrupted Archie, “was that when he went into the house, he called Prince Kalman, ‘MrStuart’.”
Sir James choked.
“Are you all right, Sir James?” said Archie, looking concerned .
Sir James choked again, so utterly flabbergasted that he could barely speak. “He called Prince Kalman
” he spluttered.
“Mr Stuart,” repeated Archie.
“You … you
be joking!” Sir James was appalled. “If it’s the Stuart I’m thinking of, he couldn’t
be Prince Kalman.”
Archie frowned. “It was
the prince,” he said, looking at Sir James strangely. “We felt his magic, you see. It couldn’t be anyone else.”
“Was he tall, with long, fair hair tied at the back of his neck?”
Hamish nodded. “And he was wearing a brocade waistcoat under his suit.”
“That’s the man,” breathed Sir James. “Good Lord! Ned Stuart! A magician!” He shook his head in wonder. “I really can’t believe it!”
“Do you know him then?” asked Archie curiously.
him?” Sir James breathed hard. “
him! Of course, I know him! He’s an MSP, isn’t he? A Member of the Scottish Parliament!” He ran his hands distractedly through his hair. “And you’re telling me that he’s Prince Kalman! How can he possibly be Prince Kalman?”
Hamish smiled sourly. “Kalman has the crown, Sir James. He can be anyone he pleases.” He frowned and drew a deep breath. “The pity is that we have only found out about him now. Do you know how long he has been calling himself Stuart, Sir James?”
“No, no I don’t. He’s new to the parliament, like me,” confessed Sir James, pacing up and down, his mind in complete turmoil. “Very popular he is, too. In fact, he’s so well thought of that people are talking of him as a future First Minister! You know, I
can’t take it all in! Are you
you’re notmistaken?”
“Believe me, there’s a protective shield round that house that a herd of elephants couldn’t shift,” Hamish said evenly. “This Ned Stuart fellow
Prince Kalman. There’s no two ways about it, I’m afraid!”
Sir James turned suddenly and grabbed Hamish by the arm. “The mirrors!” he gasped. “I thought they looked familiar when I saw them in the Turkish restaurant! I remember now! Ned Stuart has at least
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