The White Lord of Wellesbourne

Read Online The White Lord of Wellesbourne by Kathryn Le Veque - Free Book Online

Book: The White Lord of Wellesbourne by Kathryn Le Veque Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Le Veque
Tags: Romance
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to take her arm. “How elegant
you look. I am so happy that you are here.”
    Alixandrea smiled at her; she was
coming to like the lady. “I am happy as well. Thank you for your kindness.”
    “Allow me to present the
patriarch of the Wellesbournes, Sir Adam,” Caroline indicated the man next to
her. “My lord, this is the Lady Alixandrea Terrington St. Ave, Matthew’s wife.”
    Adam gazed at her a moment before
reaching out and gently taking her hand. He covered it with his big warm palm.
“I had no idea Matthew’s betrothed would be so lovely,” he said. “You must
forgive us, my lady.  Other than Lady Caroline, we are unused to such beauty in
this place. Your arrival has both brightened and honored us.”
    “You are too kind, my lord,” she
said.  “Everyone had been so kind to me. I am most happy to be here.”
    Adam smiled broadly, something he
hadn’t done in years, and tucked her hand into the crook of his elbow.
Witnessing this, it occurred to Matthew that he would not be permitted to
escort his betrothed into the great hall for everyone to see. His father would
do it.  But he made sure to walk directly behind her as the entered the
pungent, brightly lit hall.
    Wellesbourne Castle harbored
something along the lines of five hundred men at any given time. With the
troops that Alixandrea had brought with her, that number was nearly doubled. 
The feasting hall was reserved for senior soldiers, officers and knights, and
there were about a hundred of them, all gazing at Alixandrea as she entered the
room on their liege’s arm.  A group of traveling minstrels had sought shelter
for the eve and stood in the corner, playing for their supper.  But even the
musicians silenced when the lady entered the room. It was the very same
reaction that those in the tavern in Newbold had suffered; the moment she set
foot in the room, no one could take their eyes from her.
    Adam led her up onto the dais.  A
massive table was set upon it, full to bursting with food.  The enormous
hearth, at least eight feet tall, was directly behind them blasting heat in
their direction.  The brothers took their usual places at the table while
Matthew took up seat on Alixandrea’s right side. Usually he sat at his father’s
right, but tonight that privilege was reserved for his future wife.
    The introduction of Alixandrea
was short and to the point. There wasn’t much Adam could say that wasn’t
already obvious.  Every man in the room was gazing hungrily at her. Matthew
felt like a dog guarding his bone; he could see that this situation could
potentially become deadly if he did not establish the rules from the
beginning.  “I would add one thing to my father’s introduction of the Lady
Alixandrea,” his voice boomed when Adam was finished. “As you love and respect
me, love and respect my wife. Know that she is mine and, as such, will be given
all due reverence. Any transgression against her, no matter how small, will be
forcefully dealt with. That is my word.”
    The men knew Matthew well enough
to know exactly what he meant.  He was quite fair and, on occasion, congenial
with his men. He would interact with them where other knights of his stature
would never dream of it.  He had been known to roll the dice with them while on
campaign and inquire on the health of even the lowliest soldier when warranted.
For that, he was unique and for that, he was very much loved. He inspired a
loyalty that most men could only dream of.
    On that note, the meal was
brought forth without further delay.  Matthew offered to share his trencher
with her before his father could make the suggestion and the old man glared at
him. Matthew glared back. The dogs, having been relatively quite in the corner
of the hall, suddenly came to life as the food came out. Alixandrea watched the
great platters being set forth across the table as Matthew reached out and
grabbed the nearest knuckle of beef.
    He laid it upon the trencher and
handed her a knife.

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