The White Dragon

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Book: The White Dragon by Salvador Mercer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Salvador Mercer
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the cloudy mountaintop covered in snow. They were walking along a ridgeline, gaining in elevation, and the lead soldiers were stomping the snow in front of them into a crude path.
    “Yes,” Eric replied. “The entrance is that dark area there, just beyond the clouds, and we should come across the small trail that will lead us to it.”
    Eric pointed and Galen nodded, the snow and ice making the men set aside their differences for the time being. “Are you all right?” Galen asked the small historian.
    The group was on foot, and for an old man, Diamedes seemed to be doing well to keep up, so the magistrate’s question may, or may not, have been simply polite. “Yes, I’m managing fine, thank you.”
    “I suggest the troops light fires before we arrive at the cavern entrance,” Eric suggested.
    Galen nodded. Though not believing a word the mercenary said, it was quite a different matter when looking at a forbidding place in a bitterly cold wind. “Break out the torches.”
    Quickly, the group had firesticks burning brightly, and the group ascended the mountaintop until they reached a flat, snowy trail with rocky outcroppings. Moving single file, Eric in the lead with Galen right behind him and then Diamedes and the rest of the soldiers, they reached the entrance.
    Ice blocks were strewn everywhere, and there was a sign of old blood in the snow but nothing else to indicate that mayhem had happened there. The cavern entrance was broad and wide, with no time for the ice sheet to reform. It was as if the place was exposed, but Eric felt a chill come over him. In the distance, a wolf’s howl was heard over the constant noise of the wind as it blew snowflakes around them as if trying to dissuade them from their course of action.
    “The dragon is in there?” Galen said, peering into the empty-looking cavern, though they could not see the back wall.
    “It was,” Eric answered. “Are you ready?”
    Galen nodded, and the men drew their swords, the sound of the steel ringing as they came from their sheaths, echoing off the cavern’s walls. The men entered, followed quickly by the rest of the group. Two guards turned and stood watch at the entrance, looking out. They were professional soldiers, not mercenary hires, and knew what to do.
    “Over there.” Eric pointed, seeing something standing in the dim shadows. The group quickly fanned out, and soon they started to relax a bit, as it was obvious the cavern was empty.
    “What is that?” Galen asked, holding his brand in front of him and walking up to the figure covered in ice.
    Eric and Diamedes followed with half the troops, the rest fanning out and illuminating the chamber with their torches. Eric warded himself when he saw who it was. “By Agon, it’s Milo.”
    “Who is Milo?” Diamedes asked, but it was Galen who answered him.
    “He’s Kesh, and a wizard by the looks of him.”
    “He was my friend,” Eric said, tucking his sword back into its sheath and using a hand to touch the semi-transparent ice that covered the man.
    “Well, the question of whether or not you were working with the Kesh has been answered. You as much admitted that you know the man,” Galen stated.
    “Don’t pretend you didn’t know.” Eric gave the magistrate a look. “You’ve known Milo to be in my company for quite some time.”
    “Yes, but he kept his staff and stature hidden.” Galen returned the look. “I gave no heed to the rumors that he was of Kesh descent. Now, tell us, where is your dragon?”
    Eric was instantly reminded of where he was, and forgetting Milo for a moment, he rested his hand on his sword and took a few steps away toward the back of the cavern. “It was right there, not much longer than a week ago.”
    Galen walked past Eric and toward the back of the cavern. He reached a pair of guards who held up what looked like the end of a sharp pike that had been broken from its wooden shaft. “What have you there?” Galen asked.
    “Looks like the metal spear

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