turned back to their daughter. “Well?”
“I don’t know, Dad. Mari
and I were playing a game and all of sudden I felt this strange wave of
something, like zapping me, and I was scared and cried out to you and Mamma and
then Mari was telling me to calm down, that I was alright and showed me what
happened in the mirror.”
“Did you have any pain
while shifting?”
“No, now that I’m not
scared anymore, it was kinda cool. Can I go run with you now?”
“Not until you can control
the shift.”
“Can I go play with Tommy?
The moment I shifted, he ran in and shifted too so I wouldn’t be scared.”
Drake glanced over at the
other pup who sat there patiently. Tommy was a good kid. He was Galen’s son,
who was his second-in-command for the security force. He didn’t know why he was
having such a hard time letting her go. It must be the daddy instincts kicking
in. Smiling, Drake rubbed the top of her head; he wanted her to rejoice in her
shift. “Yes, so long as there’s an adult watching you and you don’t leave
the perimeter of the manor.”
“Thanks, Dad! Let’s go,
Tommy. I’m gonna get you for mooning me with your bare ass earlier!”
Wh-where is she going?”
Kalana asked breathlessly; she was frightened.
“She’s going to play,” Drake
replied as he rose to stand. “We have to let her be like other Lyken children
and embrace her shift, not let it hold her back. She’s safe, she won’t leave
the perimeter of the manor, and Ken will be watching over them.” Taking her
within his arms, he hugged her to him. “Don’t be afraid, she’s doing what’s
“I know, but I-I couldn’t
even talk to her to see what was going on.”
Drake knew what she was going
through as he’d just been swept into the daddy instinct a moment ago. “I wish I
could help you hear her and take your anxiety away. I have to say, I know how
you feel. When she asked me if she could go play, I had this overwhelming urge
to say no and keep her near me, not letting her out of my sight to make sure
she’s safe. But then it hit me that I have to let her go, I can’t seclude her
from her right to have fun and be the Lyken child she is.”
“It’s not easy being a parent,
is it?”
“No, ma’am, and I sure as
hell don’t know how you did it alone for nine years.”
“Was she okay though? she
wasn’t having any aftereffects?”
“She said she was fine, there
was no pain, but the shift just came on suddenly.”
“It’s from the pull of the
full moon and all the Lyken energies surrounding her tonight,” Mari said with a
smile. “She’s fine, Kalana, and you,” she said, meeting Drake’s eyes, “are
going to be one fine daddy.” Sliding past them to the door she smiled at Evan.
“Okay, I’m happy now that my girls are where they’re supposed to be. I’m going
to bed, for I see myself getting into it with a vamp tomorrow.”
“She’s right,” Evan said as
he stepped into the room. “The full moon and its influence over us ¼ ”
“Mixed with Lyken energies
surrounding her, no wonder she shifted.” Drake smiled.
“But when will she shift
back?” Kalana asked.
“When she’s ready, honey, you
know that.”
“I know,” she sighed. “I just
want to be able to talk to her I guess.”
Drake wrapped his arms around
her as she leaned onto his chest. “I know and now that she’s alright, what say
we go finish our original plans?” The corner of his mouth lifted as he swung
her up into his arms, then headed for their bedroom.
Chapter 5
Kalana stormed into the
security command rooms heading to Drake’s office. Her ire was up and leaves
were blowing behind her wake. Coming to a stop as she opened his door he lifted
his gaze to hers as wind and leaves flew around his office. “Drake Roven, you
better do something about your daughter.”
“Baby, I’m in a meeting.”
“I can see that, sorry, Evan,
Galen, but Livi is—” Sighing, her hands flew
Jill Gregory
Jaye Wells
R. M. Ryan
Mallory Moutinho
Matt Christopher
The Kissing Bough
Mallorie Griffin
Dana Mentink, Tammy Johnson, Michelle Karl
Vanessa Barger
Ann Jacobs