The Wedding Guest (Colorado Billionaires Book 5)

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Book: The Wedding Guest (Colorado Billionaires Book 5) by Regina Duke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Regina Duke
cupped her hands around her latte. “They’ve already gone. They have to leave time to get to wherever they’re going after they reach the station in the City. They probably left at six or so.”
    “No way! That’s a lot of commuting every day.”
    “I agree. I much prefer living in Eagle’s Toe,” Vicky said.
    “Me, too. Do you think a man like Kirby might ever consider trying life in a small town?”
    Vicky suppressed a knowing smile. “With the right incentive, he might find it appealing.”
    “He’s such a world traveler. But he did say he needs to be in the States for a while.”
    “Brewster told me Kirby’s mother died in a tragic mountaineering accident when he was twenty, and ever since, Kirby has been trying to run away from everything associated with losing her. That’s probably why he’s been traveling so much.”
    Madlyn’s brow furrowed. “Maybe I should be talking to Brewster, too.”
    Vicky laughed softly. “If I learn anything new, I’ll let you know.”
    “Thanks.” Madlyn speared her last bite of cinnamon roll. “He’s really special. He loves my hair. Do you think that’s enough to build a relationship on?” She sipped at her drink.
    “I’m sure your hair is only a small part of what he loves,” said Vicky, teasingly. “Otherwise he’d be walking around with a red wig on his arm.”
    Madlyn nearly choked on her hot chocolate.
    After breakfast, they allowed themselves a brisk walk to view the old houses along the road. Some looked like they were barely hanging on, but others were freshly painted and clearly well cared for. At last, Vicky checked the time.
    “We’d better head back,” she said. “At least our walk will burn off some breakfast calories.”
    They broke into a jog as they neared the B&B.
    “I have to change before the car arrives,” said Vicky.
    “I’m going to stop at the common room and get us some tea,” said Madlyn.
    “Great! See you in a few minutes.” Vicky angled left to the annex and Madlyn pulled out her key and ran up the steps to the front door.
    Inside, she found herself breathing hard from her jog. Although the mist was nearly gone, she still had beads of moisture glinting off her hair. She bounced up the three stairs to the landing and turned right where the makings for tea and snacks were laid out on a sideboard.
    Madlyn fussed with paper cups and tea bags, and didn’t see Kirby emerge from the sitting area until he was right behind her. He looked worried. “What’s wrong?”
    “Pearl is missing,” said Kirby. Behind him, Brewster was wringing his hands and looking very unbillionaire-like, his eyes darting to and fro, checking high and low.
    Madlyn almost felt sorry for him. “She couldn’t fly out of the house, could she?”
    “Don’t even think it! She has to be inside. But we can’t find her.” Kirby seemed as upset as his boss.
    Madlyn’s attitude softened. “Pearl is important to you.”
    Kirby held up a finger. Madlyn and Brewster fell silent. In the distance, they heard the squawk of a bird.
    “That’s her!” Brewster’s expression brightened. “She must be upstairs somewhere!” He raced past Kirby, nearly knocked Madlyn against the sideboard, and shot up the stairs, a man on a mission.
    Madlyn made a face. “Gee, some people. Give them a few billion dollars and they think they own the world.”
    Kirby stopped on the landing beside her, took a slow breath, then said, “Brew’s a good man. He thinks Pearl is important and so do I.”
    “Sorry,” said Madlyn. “I know my boss would be just as worried if one of her cats went missing. I didn’t mean to insult him. You must like him a lot.”
    Kirby smiled wryly. “Brewster and I have been pals for a long time. And Pearl was a gift from—” He caught himself. “Let’s just say, we’ve been entrusted with Pearl’s care. Her owner isn’t doing well. I suspect that Pearl will never go home again.” His voice grew heavy with sadness. When he noticed Madlyn

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