The Weapon Bearer (Book 1)

Read Online The Weapon Bearer (Book 1) by Aaron Thomas - Free Book Online

Book: The Weapon Bearer (Book 1) by Aaron Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aaron Thomas
Tags: Fantasy, epic fantasy, sci fantasy, sci-fa, Weapon bearer, Aaron Thomas
can answer me!” She rolled him onto his back as if he was an infant unable to care for themselves. Laying flat on his back made the struggle to breathe easier. She spoke to the stable boy, “were his eyes green before?”
    No, Kilen wanted to say but couldn’t, his eyes had always been a golden brown in color. The stable boy shook his head yes. She moved all over the room and did not find what she was looking for. “Hurry, go get Lord Crescent and bring him back here quickly. He’s dying from magic,” she commanded as she moved about the room. She opened Kilen’s pack and took out his sewing kit and discarded it back into his bag. She then patted his pockets and found nothing. She opened Kilen’s coin purse and found only money. Bowie came into the room with the stable boy leading him. Kilen’s possessions littered the ground and gold coins lay in his lap.
    “Hey, what are you doing there? Leave his money alone!” Bowie shouted at her. “What did you do to him?” He pulled her shoulder throwing her into the bed on the opposite wall. He stood with a wide stance ready to protect his friends.
    She quickly stood and looked him in the eyes. “He’s dying of magic. He needs something magic or he’ll probably die.” Bowie held his ground. “We came in and found him like that. He won’t move and he’s barely breathing.”
    Bowie turned, patted Kilen’s chest, and found a small lump in his pocket. He reached into Kilen’s vest, and jumped as his fingers touched the rings. He then reached in again and pulled them out slowly and put them into Kilen’s hand. The strength and energy flooded back into Kilen as it had before. He laid on the floor breathing heavily catching his breath. Erica stood in the middle of the room, hands on her chest, looking down on Kilen. Bowie’s eyes were wide with surprise and confusion.
    After a couple minutes of the room quiet and each gathering their wit’s, Kilen said, “thank you,” to no one in particular.
    “You have got to be the dumbest armor bearer I have ever seen!” Erica snapped at him. “Do you not know how to use your earth magic? You act as if you only got those rings yesterday.” He waved her off without answering, still struggling to breath. It gave him time to think about what he had become. The sword was now imbued with water magic, it made him a weapon bearer. All of the Hero’s in ages past were weapon or armor bearers, and now he was one of them. Erica straightened herself and looked between them seeing that she wasn’t getting an answer. “You had better not take those off until you are sure you’ve rested enough to breathe on your own,” she said in a quieter tone, as if instructing. Then she left the room, watching Kilen the whole way out to make sure he listened to her.
    “I don’t know how you even walk with those things on. I felt like I would crush you if I made the wrong move. How come you didn’t tell me you had those? We could have hunted for days with those on.”
    “I got them just before I left Humbridge. I would have told you but I was in a hurry to catch Chit.” Kilen, picked up his belongings that had been tossed around the room.
    “Ahh, well why were you chasing Chit? Trying to get back at him since you have all that power in ya?” Bowie said begging for a juicy answer.
    “My mom gave Chit my father’s sword. When I saw that, I was a bit overcome with the rings power and ran after him to get it back. I’m sorry Bowie. I would have told you but I didn’t know of their power until after that wizard gave them back. After that I didn’t spare any time in trying to catch up to Chit.”
    Bowie fingered the brim of his hat, “Ah, it’s ok. Daniel was taking most of the women anyway. This is a lot more exciting than the normal Springfest.” He waited a bit before speaking again, “What do you suppose the wizard wants with us?”
    “I think he wants only that I help undo the mess I caused. Kara has never done that before. She

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