The War Planners

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Book: The War Planners by Andrew Watts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Watts
Tags: Fiction, Thrillers, Espionage, Military
steel door.  Natesh heard a faint beep and then a click as the door unlatched.  They entered the Comms Building, as it was known, and Lena sealed the door behind them.
    She looked at him, her eyes filled with that ever-present intensity.  He had seen that look from many a successful entrepreneur in Silicon Valley.  Athletes called it the eye of the tiger.  Natesh thought this metaphor fit.  Lena was every bit the predator.
    Her voice was flat.  “So...are you all set?”
    Natesh could feel the sweat between the tips of his fingers and his palms.  “Yes.  All set.”  He tried to sound calm. 
    She saw through the lie.  “You’re worried?”
    Natesh said, “It’s just a lot to process, that’s all.”
    “Yes.”  She nodded.
    “I’m fine.  I’ve done this sort of thing many times.  I’ll be fine.”
    Disapproval flickered in her eyes, then calm.  Her voice was soft as she said, “Natesh.  We have watched you for some time now.  You are quite capable.  I know that you’ve never done anything like this before.  But to be frank, no one has. Stick to your routine.  Get in a rhythm, and be the conduit for others to provide the information.”
    He nodded.  “Sure.  Sure.  As you say.  I will be good.  Thanks.”
    “I’m here to help.” 
    She said,  “This is the Communications room.  Major Combs and you will be the only ones with access.  Take this paper.  On it is your code that will open the outer door to this building.  Memorize it.  You won’t be able to take it with you.  You’ll be able to go on these computers and get information from the outside world.  These computers are on a censored and monitored network.  You won’t be able to access to the whole Internet.  If there are any sites that you need or information that you aren’t able to get, the email system only goes to one person.  He is my colleague that will be able to do external research for you.  We’re giving you this privilege because we want you to be the single point of contact for all of the members of the Red Cell.  If there is information that you all need to access as you are making your plans, you’ll be the one to get it.  Understood?”
    Natesh nodded.  “Yes.”  He looked around the room.  There were three spotless computer terminals.  The computers were bulkier than what he was used to.  Military grade, he imagined.  There was another steel door at the far side of the room.  It had a keypad next to it, just like the one on the outside of the building.
    Natesh asked, “Does my code work on that door?”
    “No.”  Replied Lena.
    “What’s back there?”
    “My living quarters.”
    “You need a digital lock on your living quarters?” 
    She frowned.  “We had better head to class.” 
    They rose and walked outside, Lena shutting the door as they left.  Once again they walked next to each other on the gravel path.  This time they headed to the second largest of the buildings, the Classroom. 
    The Classroom sat atop a small hill, which overlooked the runway on one side.  A pristine beach of dark grey sand lay just outside its walls on the other. Breaking waves intermingled with the sounds of island gulls hovering overhead. 
    It was almost eight a.m.  Natesh just had to get through this presentation.  Then he would have the momentum to get through this first day.  Then he would get through the first week.  And then...Well, there was a lot of change ahead. Natesh tried not to think of how important his part might be.
    As if she could hear his thoughts, Lena said, “Just breathe.  We briefed them yesterday on the big picture.  They understand what’s at stake here.  Remember that.  Everyone here wants to help defend the United States.  You are a talented man.  And our country needs you.”  She put her hand on the muscle between his neck and shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.  “I know you’re absorbing a lot right now.  We all are.  But you need to

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