The Virtuous Assassin

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Book: The Virtuous Assassin by Charlotte Anne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlotte Anne
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    England, October 1192
    Chapter One
    Small wall sconces splashed patches of flickering candlelight along the cold stone corridor. Cateline moved silently, keeping to the shadows. A sharp wind rushed through an open window, and she pulled her cloak tighter as the knife strapped to her leg clinked softly. She clamped her mouth shut, willing her teeth to stop chattering.
    Suddenly, a shadow loomed up at the end of the corridor. Cateline pushed her back against the wall, trying to blend into the darkness. Somebody rounded the corner and walked towards her. He passed before a splash of light, and the silver belt buckle of his soldier’s uniform sparkled.
    Cateline released the clip around her wrist, and a dagger slipped into her hand. She wrapped her fingers around the hilt, digging her nails into the flesh of her palm.
    Another gust of wind spluttered the candles ’ flames, and Cateline’s tunic rustled. The soldier paused, squinting up the corridor. He glanced left, then right, staring into the shadows. Cateline’s breath caught in her throat as his eyes adjusted to the gloom and focused on her face.
    His hand dropped to the sword hanging from his hip, and Cateline dived forward, thrusting her dagger into his neck. The blade sliced through his flesh, and the tip lodged itself into the top of his spine. Instinctively, she released the hilt to fling her arms around his waist, trying to slow his fall.
    As the soldier landed, his sword clattered against the floor. Cateline froze, but nothing happened. Hopefully, nobody had heard.
    “ Rest easy.” She tugged at the blade, but it wouldn’t come loose, so she left it in place and hurried along the corridor. She didn’t have much time—somebody would find the body and sound the alarm. Soldiers didn’t usually travel alone, even when patrolling their home territory.
    Recalling the map she ’d memorised, Cateline made a series of right turns until she reached a spiral staircase leading into the heart of the eastern tower. She climbed the stairs, stopping on the first landing before three closed doors. Pulling her picklocks from a pocket, she unlocked the door opposite the window and entered.
    Dominating the room was a large four-poster bed, a side table with a jug of water, and a single lit candle. A sleeping figure was curled under a sheepskin, the top of his balding head just visible above the covers.
    “ Lord Elric,” Cateline breathed. Staring down at his head, her gaze caught on a small scar marking his hairline.
    Her target.
    At the end of his bed sat a large wooden chest. Her hands itched to open it—in there would be all the evidence she needed to prove his guilt.
    She bit her lip. She didn ’t have time, and besides, if Cateline left it in place, eventually, someone else would discover it, and the Gabriels would understand her reasons for murdering him.
    It was better this way.
    Quickly, she broke the wax seal of an envelope and tipped poison into his water. There wasn’t a drinking glass, but that didn’t matter. Even if it was splashed on his skin, it would take effect, and he’d be dead within three days.
    Cateline backed slowly towards the door, touching a hand to her heart. It was almost over. In another minute, she ’d be free of the castle, and nobody would ever know it was her.
    The great clash of a bell ec hoed through the castle.
    Cateline jumped. They ’d found the dead soldier.
    “ No, ” she cursed silently, “not yet. ” She stumbled back, but Lord Elric sat up, the sheepskin falling back to reveal a crisscross of ugly pockmarks decorating his chest. His eyes darted straight to Cateline, and he tumbled from the bed, his fists clenching defensively before his body.
    His gaze dropped to her chest. “Blood.”
    Cateline glanced down. She was wearing a servant ’s uniform as part of her disguise, but the soldier’s blood had splattered her front, marking her as a killer.
    “ Pig!” Swiftly releasing the blade taped

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