The Viking's Defiant Bride

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Book: The Viking's Defiant Bride by Joanna Fulford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanna Fulford
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one arm, he carried her inside in another casual and humiliating demonstration of superior strength. When at last he set her down she was hot and breathless and, to Wulfrum’s eyes, most attractively dishevelled, for the golden mane had escaped its braid and fell in tumbled curls about her shoulders.
    Furious, Elgiva glared up at him, wishing anew for a sword to cut the arrogant brute down to size. However, he was very big and to her cost she knew his strength. She hated to think what other retribution he might take if she angered him further for she was uncomfortably aware of the bed on the far side of the room and of the dimming light and of his dangerous proximity.
    It was not hard to discern some of her thought but, far from being perturbed in any way, Wulfrum smiled, thinking that anger heightened her beauty for those wonderful eyes held a distinctly militant light. He was sorely tempted to take her in his arms and kiss her again, but he suspected that if he did, he would not be able to stop there. Better to let her think about what had happened, to understand the futility of attempting to escape him. She was no fool and the lesson would be well learned. Besides, time was on his side now.
    For the space of several heartbeats they faced each other thus. Then, to her inexpressible relief, he moved towards the door, pausing when he reached it.
    â€˜You will remain here until I say otherwise. I should perhaps point out that there will be a guard outside from now on.’
    He left her then, closing the door behind him. Weak with relief, Elgiva collapsed against it, listening with thumping heart to the muffled hoof falls as he rode away.

Chapter Four
    I n the days following an atmosphere of deep gloom hung over Ravenswood along with the stench of death and corruption. Carrion birds flapped among the bodies or perched in readiness on the palisade as the demoralised Saxons, with an air of bitter resignation, went about the business of digging graves. Since the church had been burned and the priest taken prisoner there was little chance that he might bless the graves, a grievous lack that added to the pain of loss. The living had perforce to be content with murmured prayers and the laying of flowers.
    Osgifu and Elgiva helped with the laying out of the dead, working in silence and in grief for the lives snuffed out so soon. Aylwin lived yet, though he was much weakened from loss of blood. The Vikings kept a close watch, but they made no move to harm him. Elgiva did what she could for him, but there were many others requiring her attention too, and her time was spent in tending the wounded, changing dressings, applying salves and balms, dispensing the medicines that dulled pain. Some men were beyond help and died; others like Aylwin clung desperately to life. His troubled gaze followed Elgiva as she moved among her patients, an attention that had not gone unnoticed.
    Waiting until Elgiva was not by, Wulfrum made his way towards the pallet where the Saxon lay, regarding him dispassionately. He made no attempt to sit, thus putting the other at an added disadvantage by compelling him to look up at his visitor. At first neither man spoke. Then Wulfrum broke the silence.
    â€˜Your wound heals?’
    â€˜It heals.’
    â€˜Elgiva is skilled.’
    At the mention of her name, the older man’s eyes narrowed and his hand clenched at his side.
    â€˜What is it you wish to say?’
    â€˜That I know of your former betrothal to her…’ Wulfrum paused ‘…a betrothal you would now do well to forget.’
    â€˜Elgiva is mine.’
    â€˜Not so. She belongs to me, as does this hall and these lands, and I shall take her to wife.’
    â€˜By God, you shall not!’ The injured man started up, then winced as his wound protested.
    Watching him fall back upon the pallet, Wulfrum raised an eyebrow. ‘Indeed? And how will you prevent it?’
    Aylwin remained silent, knowing too well the futility

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