The Unwanted (A Novella of the FBI Psychics)

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Book: The Unwanted (A Novella of the FBI Psychics) by Shiloh Walker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shiloh Walker
heel, she said, “I’ve been doing my job solo a long time and I’ve been working with her a lot longer than you have. She gave us what we need. If we need more? It’s up to us to find it.”
    It went from nothing to overload in the blink of an eye.
    That wasn’t the case, not really, but it sure as hell seemed that way, and all because of that one moment on the street. If it had been her who’d gotten bumped instead of Caleb, she could have already found that connection, she knew it. Still, even with their fumbling around, they were getting closer.
    “It won’t be much longer.” Destin could feel it, the dark, ominous weight hovering around her. Each day they’d returned to the same area and Destin had gone unshielded each time, hoping to catch something. She’d caught something, all right, a headache from the sheer amount of stimuli. She was tuned into the vibes from sexual predators, but she was still psychic and nobody had emotions running on high the way college students revved up on life, nerves and caffeine did.
    But that wasn’t what she needed.
    What she needed was…this. This dark, ugly connection that was just out of her reach.
    But so close.
    She just needed one thing to close that gap.
    “I feel like something is missing.” The second she said it she wanted to kick herself.
    Caleb said nothing, just continued to stare out over the campus.
    It had been a quiet two days. They’d both watched the police reports, listened to the radio. And Destin slept unshielded. Because she did, she knew he was doing the same. Heaven help her if she picked up on a rape in progress. Her control was paper-thin right now, but she’d get through it without losing control again, because she had no choice.
    Caleb’s words came back to haunt her.
    Something is missing…
    We might be able to work this a lot faster if your boss wasn’t holding back on us… Was there more going on than what Oz had led them to believe? Shit, of course there was, but did Oz know more?
    It was enough to make her head hurt even more than it already did and after the past two days, it hurt plenty. She’d taken to carrying around an entire bottle of Tylenol, plus the medications that had been prescribed for migraines. She hated taking those because they left her head all muzzy, but if a migraine grabbed her, she’d be at the mercy of her gift and that wasn’t acceptable in a place where there was a rapist running free.
    She had to be logical about this.
    Could Oz be holding something back on her? Loyalty tried to insist no. There was no reason for that, right? What reason did Oz have for holding anything back?  
    Destin knew there was something out there, a missing piece that she needed to make that connection, but it could be any number of things. She was working blind. She hadn’t talked to a victim yet. Hadn’t even tried. Hadn’t talked to any law enforcement. Hadn’t tried to do that, either. Hadn’t tried to talk to any of the suspects and that would have been easy enough too, thanks to Oz’s list.
    All she’d done was wander the town and visit the crime scenes.
    And they’d hit the mother lode at the first crime scene. Alleged crime scene, a sardonic voice inside her head reminded her. To that voice, she said shut up. She wasn’t an agent anymore and she knew the rapes had happened. She felt the vibe in the air, felt the hum in her blood. She didn’t have to worry about all the legal trappings of alleged , didn’t have to worry about those lines anymore. Caleb did, but she didn’t.
    She’d been standing right where it had happened and when she’d lowered her shields? The rush of fear, lust, pain and the need to hurt had grabbed her, threatened to suck her under. It had gripped her for so long Caleb had ended up walking her near-zombified form off the campus after they’d started to attract attention.
    That night, she’d had the first nosebleed but the connection had hovered just out of reach.
    With each

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