The Unsuspecting Mage

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Book: The Unsuspecting Mage by Brian S. Pratt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brian S. Pratt
longingly toward the stewpot simmering upon a hook over a gently burning fire in the fireplace. The mouthwatering aroma it emits causes his stomach to growl. Taking a seat facing Ceryn he says, “I haven’t had a good meal for a while.”
    Ceryn grins and chuckles. “Whether this will be what you call good or not, you’ll have to decide.” Finishing with the preparations, he places the pot on a hook over the fire in the hearth to finish cooking. After filling two mugs from a pitcher, he brings them to the table.
    James takes the one offered him, looks within and sniffs uncertainly.
    “It’s just ale, lad. You look like you could use some.” Giving him a wink, Ceryn tosses back his mug and takes a deep draught.
    Bringing the mug to his mouth, James hesitantly takes a sip. When the liquid hits his tongue, he has to admit it wasn’t bad. A little strong for his taste, but not worse than some of the stuff he has tried over at his friend Dave’s place. Glancing to Ceryn, James notices that he’s being scrutinized.
    “I suppose you have a lot of questions about me?”
    “Yes, a couple. But your business is just that, your business. You seem a nice enough lad. You needn’t feel obligated to tell me anything more than what you want.” Ceryn sets his mug on the table then returns to the stew pot where he stirs it with a large wooden spoon. “Can’t let it burn on the bottom.”
    “That’s what my grandmother always says, too.” Remembering times sitting in his grandmother’s kitchen while she cooked makes him a little homesick.
    “She must have been a nice woman, a good cook maybe?” He casts a look to James and receives a nod in reply. Returning his attention to the pot, he stirs the stew a few more times. Once satisfied that it isn’t in any immediate danger of burning, he sets the spoon on the counter and returns to the table. Grabbing his mug, he downs the rest of it.
    “She was the best. Sometimes there would be little in the house, yet she could whip up the most wonderful dinners.” Memories of fine meals make his stomach growl loudly.
    “It’ll be just a few minutes longer.”
    “Where am I exactly?”
    A surprised look comes over Ceryn. “You mean you don’t even know where you are?”
    “Not really.” After taking another sip of the not-entirely-unpleasant ale, he adds, “I’ve been lost.”
    The Forest Warden studies his face for a moment before answering. “You are near the Kelewan River, not far from the township of Trendle. The forest I found you in is called The Dark Forest of Kelewan. Nothing really dark about it unless you come here ill prepared. It’s my job to help people in trouble, like yourself, and if need be get a crew to clear the roads when a tree falls and blocks the trails.”
    “I am very glad you were there for me. Those wolves had been after me since the night before. I took out one that had wandered into my camp and the others seemed to have it in for me ever since.” Pausing for another sip of ale, he then asks. “How far is it to Trendle?”
    “About a day and a half’s walk. In your condition you’ll never make it. You will need to rest at least until tomorrow. I’m heading there in the morning and could take you if you like.”
    “I’d appreciate that, thank you.”
    James was warming to this Ceryn. A rather genial chap, his easy speech and relaxed demeanor put James at ease.
    Ceryn goes to inspect the stew once again. Using the spoon to take a taste, he nods approvingly and removes the pot from the fire. After setting it on the table, he crosses to the shelves and selects two bowls and a pair of smaller, wooden spoons. Returning to the table, he hands one of each to James.
    Following Ceryn’s lead, James dips his spoon into the stewpot and proceeds to fill his bowl. The stew has a thick gravy and contains many different vegetables, some unfamiliar, with a little bit of meat. While he fills his bowl, Ceryn fetches a loaf of bread. Using his belt knife,

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