The Touch
of the seven men and women. All wore black
shirts, pants and boots like Wade normally wore when he was on a
night mission.
    Wade turned back to Mike. “Why don’t you tell
me what the hell is going on here, Fields?”
    Mike looked calmly at Wade. “Where is
    With that one question, Wade knew exactly
what it was Mike was looking for.
    Heat washed over Chandra. The
microchip . That had to be what these people wanted. She’d had
the vision to take it in order to protect it from these people and
to help Wade. Every bone in her body told her she was right.
    The pendant burned hot against her bare
chest. There was no way in the world she was going to let them know
she had it.
    When the man called Valdez had run his palms
over her body, taking advantage of his opportunity to touch her,
she had been repulsed and it had taken incredible effort to keep a
rein on her defensive arts training. She’d wanted to take him down
so badly her teeth ached. No doubt his training outmatched
    The moment he’d brushed his hand over hers it
had nearly made her pass out. She’d seen exactly what his future
    He had none. He would die soon. How or when
she didn’t know—not yet.
    Wade still hadn’t answered Mike’s question.
Wade simply stared at the man holding the gun on him.
    A muscle ticked in Mike’s jaw. “Where have
you hidden it?”
    Chandra looked from one man to the other. Did
Wade think it was on the back of that painting?
    When Wade didn’t respond again, Mike stepped
forward, grabbed Chandra’s hand and jerked her toward him.
    The pain from the cuts on her palm were
nothing compared to the pain from the Touch. It was so intense it
nearly drove her to her knees. She saw that Mike was definitely
looking for the microchip that held key information. But what?
    Her mind whirled as another possibility hit
her. Had Wade stolen the chip to begin with?
    No. Everything within her told her he was
protecting it, not stealing it.
    Shadows and death also swirled through her
head, but she didn’t know whose death, or what the shadows were
    In the seconds that it took for Mike to jerk
her to him with her hand in his strong grip, she saw all that and
more. Images spilled through her mind, so fast she almost couldn’t
keep track of them.
    Fighting, blood, death.
    Some of the pain in her head subsided when
Mike released her hand. The Touch had been almost crippling that
time, and she could barely stand. Yet what she’d seen…
    He put his arms around her shoulders, held
her to him, and her shirt fell open to expose her naked breasts.
Her face warmed at the same time he pressed the mouth of his
handgun to the bottom of her chin. She swallowed and the metal
pressed deeper into her flesh. He smelled of sweat and a metallic
    Heated embarrassment flooded her this time
when Mike cupped one of her breasts in his free hand and pinched
her nipple. “Maybe we should all take turns fucking your squeeze
toy. Is she a good lay, Branson?”
    Wade’s gaze met Chandra’s. She saw a world of
fury in his dark eyes, yet concern for her at the same time. “It’ll
be delivered first thing in the morning,” Wade finally said, anger
in his voice as his gaze cut back to Mike’s.
    Mike dropped the gun from Chandra’s chin and
she looked up at him to see an incredulous look on his lean face.
“You don’t have the fucking chip?”
    “Like I said,” Wade’s jaw worked as if he was
grinding his teeth, “I arranged for delivery in the morning.”
    “You’re lying,” Mike growled. He tightened
his arm around Chandra so hard he squeezed her breasts. “You’re
supposed to have it here, tonight. Then take it to PIA headquarters
in the morning.”
    “Exactly. That’s why we made the change, in
case the original plans leaked out.” Wade started to lower his arms
and Mike didn’t stop him. “One of our operatives has it hidden
    Chandra swallowed. If anyone in this room
knew she had the chip, she was

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