The Ties That Bind

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Book: The Ties That Bind by T. Starnes Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. Starnes
just shrugged, "We talked with Jonathan a bit before we started, and he already felt confident that we were in the clear ... although like any good lawyer he wouldn't actually sign off on it until he triple checked."
    Jonathan held up his hands in mock surrender, but Ted continued, "We did take a gamble, I will admit, but it has put us ahead of our original timeline. We mostly worked on some of the independent parts, and built the basic frame. We tried to hold off on the parts covered in the patents as much as possible; but, even on those, we did a little preliminary work."
    I frowned at him, "Ted, this is something that should have come up in one of our monthly meetings. I know I am a kid, but my money is backing the bulk of this project. I need to be in the loop. You can't cut me out of decisions like this."
    Ted knew he was in the wrong, but tried to spin it, "I know you're right, but we felt like we couldn't wait. If we wanted to get a jump on it, we had to start right away."
    I knew when I was hearing bullshit, "So you started on this since last Sunday?"
    Marcus looked over at Ted again, then admitted, "Umm, no. We started just over two weeks ago."
    "So we have had two meetings since you started where nothing was mentioned. Don't bullshit me, Ted. We are partners on this, and we need to act like it. My guess is you thought I might veto starting early, so you took a gamble and hoped it worked out."
    He knew he was caught and said, "Yeah, that is about the long and short of it."
    "It worked out for you this time, and I am happy about that. And yes, I probably would have told you to hold off, because we are not in a rip-roaring hurry to get the prototype done now. But that doesn't matter. We still talk about it, or this partnership needs to end, today!"
    "Come on, Cas..."
    "No, Ted. I mean it, and I am serious. I am fine with you guys making operational decisions but on the big ones, and you can't tell me you didn't think this was a big decision, you need to include me."
    "Okay, you're right. I take the blame on this. I haven't worked on something this exciting in years, and I let myself get carried away. Next time you will be in the loop."
    I finally smiled at them, "Great. That's all I ask. So, where does this put us?"
    Happy that the tension was broken, Marcus's jovial mood returned, "Well ahead of schedule. We should have a working prototype ready the week before Christmas at the latest."
    "By working, you mean..."
    "Tested internally and ready to demo for buyers."
    "Well, that is good news. Ted, you mentioned you had a guy in procurement. Do you think it would be wise to sit down with him, informally of course, and just sound him out? I don't want anything to jump out and catch us by surprise."
    Ted tapped the end of his pencil against his chin, thinking.
    "Yes, I think that is a good idea. I will call him and set up a meeting for after Thanksgiving. And again ... sorry, Cas."
    "Water under the bridge. Go talk to your guy, Ted. I am as pumped to start the prototype as you guys are."
    Jonathan dropped me off at home. I found the girls, sitting around the kitchen table with Mom, plotting Thanksgiving.
    I pulled up a chair next to them and said, "I was wondering how this would go. I know Vicki and Tami both have family obligations. Did we figure out a way to make this work?"
    "Yes, I think we have. Vicki and Tami's family are both doing meals at lunch with cousins, aunts, uncles and what not. So we will do a Thanksgiving dinner that night. Mom and I agree that it wouldn't be a family meal if all five of us weren't here. If it's okay, I also wanted to invite Megan."
    I hadn't considered that, but since she had pretty well integrated in our group and knew all our secrets, I thought it was a good idea.
    "Sounds good. You should call her and ask."
    Vicki half raised her hand and said, "Umm, I talked to Mom and Dad. They know about the four of us. I know Tami can't come because she has family stuff, and can't get out of it, but

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