The Three Feathers - The Magnificent Journey of Joshua Aylong

Read Online The Three Feathers - The Magnificent Journey of Joshua Aylong by Stefan Bolz - Free Book Online

Book: The Three Feathers - The Magnificent Journey of Joshua Aylong by Stefan Bolz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stefan Bolz
her joy.
    “What is it?” Krieg asked.
    At that moment the depths below them began to glow. The fog covering most of Hollow’s Gate became illuminated from underneath in golden light. It was a magnificent sight. Then the fog and clouds in the middle of the large Hollow began to move away and toward the edge. Small beams of light broke through the fog until they became one single beam that reached high into the night sky. When Krieg looked at Wind he saw her face reflecting the light from below. He knew at that moment that they were about to witness something extraordinary, something he couldn’t even begin to understand.
    “The beacon has been activated. The sky people will rise up into the heavens once more. I thought I’d never witness this again.” She began to weep.
    For a while, nothing happened. And then Krieg saw it. More shadows than actual forms, he saw what looked like people, dozens of them. Each of them seemed to sit on a bar that was connected by thin strings to a large sphere that looked like glass. They slowly floated upward toward the sky inside the beacon of light.
    “These are my people.”
    “Your people?” Krieg asked.
    “Will you believe me when I tell you that many centuries ago Pegasus and sky people lived in a city down in the Deep together as equals?”
    Both watched as the figures floated up into the night sky until they disappeared.
    “Krieg, I do not want you to be in the unknown about your friends any longer. Something is happening here that I do not yet fully understand but I am quite certain it has to do with your arrival.”
    “Our arrival?” Krieg asked.
    “Yes. And the odd thing is that you, none of you, are mentioned anywhere in any prophecy or scripture or even folk tales. It is as if you were not supposed to happen, that you were not supposed to find each other but you did. Extraordinary things happen when ordinary folk begin to imagine the unthinkable.”
    “I don’t understand. We just got here because we were pursued by a pack of hyenas. We almost fell over the edge. I almost got killed by my captures five days past. We were just lucky to be alive…”
    “Luck has nothing to do with anything, Krieg. There is no such thing. It is something we invented to keep the power of our own mind at bay. It was not luck that you have found me. It was not luck that the beacon has been activated. I do not know what happened to your friends, Krieg, but I will go and find out and if they are alive I will find them.”
    There was a pause where she looked at him.
    “I should go now.”
    With that she walked back from the edge.
    “Now?” Krieg asked.
    “I need a hundred yards,” she said.
    “Wind, how do you know that you can still fly?” Krieg asked.
    “I don’t.” She replied. “But there is only one way to find out.”
    She went back further.
    “Don’t you want to wait a little longer? Just to be sure?” Krieg realized that his concern was not only for her. What about him? What if she didn’t come back? There was no way for him to get down below. He was also concerned about what Wind would find down there. Whatever was left of Joshua and the wolf, if there was anything left. He felt trapped.
    Wind was about a hundred yards away from the cliff when she turned around to face the edge.
    “Be careful,” he told her.
    “I will be. Will you wait here until I’m back?”
    “I don’t know. I’m not sure what I’m going to do.”
    She looked at him for a moment.
    “I think you do,” she answered.
    And with that she jumped forward, both front hooves in the air, then raced with powerful strides toward the edge.
    “Your limitations, Krieg,” he heard her in his thoughts as she approached the edge. “They only exist in your mind. Free them and be free.”
    She jumped. Krieg followed her and watched her jump off the sheer drop and disappear. When he reached the edge she was already far down. His heart stopped for a moment out of fear for her but then he saw

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