The Texan and the Lady

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Book: The Texan and the Lady by JODI THOMAS Read Free Book Online
you.” Her brothers and sisters would have made a long round of jokes about it, just as they had the red ribbons she tied on the posts so she could find her way to town, even though it was only a short distance away.
    “Why don’t you take the linen out back to the wash house and call it a night?” Mrs. Gray was already moving away. “Be sure and tell Audrey we’ll need her in the kitchen at four in the morning.”
    Nodding, Jennie lifted the bundle of linen. “Good night, Mrs. Gray.”
    “Good night.” Mrs. Gray allowed her shoulders to lower slightly as she slowly climbed the stairs.
    Jennie marveled at how the woman could have an ounce of fat on her body, for she was in constant motion. Whenever something hadn’t been done properly, she was there to straighten things out. When one man refused to wear his coat, she was beside him, softly telling him it was the policy at all Harvey Houses. She didn’t order him to either put on his coat or leave, she only asked if he’d be dining with them or would rather have his meal boxed.
    Jennie walked toward the laundry house several yards behind the hotel. She could make the trip in the dark; she’d made it many times already today. The cold air felt good on her warm skin, and the sky was more dusty blue than black. The Kansas sun had melted away all trace of the early morning snowfall, but the slight north wind promised more.
    As she turned to walk back to the house, she saw a lone man standing by the back steps. For a moment, alarm shook the exhaustion from her, then she realized the too-tall outline could be no one else but the marshal.
    Taking a deep breath, Jennie decided now was as good a time as any to face him. It shouldn’t take her more than a few minutes to make plain how she felt about him. She couldn’t go the rest of her life avoiding him. Besides, he couldn’t prove there was a child. Not without climbing the stairs to the girls’ wing, and Mrs. Gray would have him tarred and feathered before he was halfway up the steps.
    “Evening, Marshal.” Jennie nodded as she passed.
    “Miss Munday.” Austin touched the brim of his hat. “I was wondering if you might have the time to talk to me now.”
    “I’m not sure Mrs. Gray would approve of us talking out back like this. She has very strict rules.” Jennie took the first step up the stairs. She waited, holding her breath for him to argue, but he didn’t. She took the second step.
    “Walk with me, Jennie.” Austin’s voice was so low she wasn’t sure she understood what he said.
    “I said walk with me.” He pushed his hat back as if aggravated he had to ask twice. “I’d like to talk with you awhile.”
    Closing her eyes, Jennie tried to make herself believe what she’d heard. How many times had she dreamed of hearing a man say such words to her? She’d told herself she’d probably never hear a man say “I love you,” or tell her how pretty she was, but sometimes she prayed for someone just to want to talk with her. How many thousands of times had she hoped some man would ask her as she left church to stroll the few hundred yards to her house? And how many times—every time—had she walked alone?
    Jennie turned around, unwilling to throw away her one chance. It didn’t matter that the night was cold or that it was late. Now she could say she’d been asked. “I’ll walk with you only down to the depot and back. It wouldn’t be proper anywhere else.”
    Austin nodded as if her words made sense to him and offered his hand. When his fingers accepted the weight of her hand, he realized he should have taken off his gloves. He wanted to feel the touch of this woman. He wanted to know that someone who seemed so strong and determined could be real and not just a silhouette of what he thought he saw.
    Jennie felt the soft warmth of leather as well as the strength beneath. “Marshal McCormick, I ask only one favor tonight. Could we not argue? I’m afraid I haven’t the

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